16' is a good height for me. It leaves just enough room underneath
to store the essentials - and still fit under the cabinet above.
'Beefy' may not be adequate enough without extra support. ;)
It seems that a very thick top helps. My guess is that otherwise it
acts a trampoline.
Mine is double - to hold dryer also. The unt is 32" deep by 61" wide.
I started off with a 2x4 box with 2x4 'studs' every 9" or so.
2 more sets cross the middle with about a foot between them.
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Top was 3/4 ply. It's on carpet on a concrete slab.
Washer would walk all over. Adjusted feet, great for that load, then it
may or may not walk the next load. Added more 'studs'. No change.
Added another sheet of ply to top and a small piece of trim around
feet to act as a corral - just in case.. The extra ply cured it.
It may be that it's double-wide, but that would seem to make it more
stable, not less.. I don't know how the manufacturers can make them
out of thin steel. The appliances are LG.
Don't consider tile until it's been well tested - if then.
I'm interested in your results.
I will be remodeling my laundry room shortly and will be getting a front
loading washer. Given the condition of my back, I am thinking about putting
it (and the dryer) on a base cabinet to raise it up around 14-16 inches. I
can easily make the base to match my other cabinets.
Do I need any special design considerations for the base or its top? I
imagine the appliances would want to walk some, so a lip would be in order
and the dang things are heavy, but I normally build beefy. I am thinking of
a tiled top for the cabinet... Any info/experience would be appreciated.
Cheers, Shawn