

29/05/2006 11:02 PM

Help with this joint please

Have decided to build a stool to practise some jointing techniques. Its
a Bar stool, and the legs do not go straight up and down, but are set
wider on the floor, slightly, than at the seat.

My problem, is with the joint on the brace, seen here in this diagram:


If a tenon is used, the problem is with cutting the slot. This slot
requires cutting either slightly larger, as the hole will be at an angle
to the joining tenon. This would give an area not filled by the tenon,
and so make a sloppy fit, unless I cut the tenon at 90 degrees to the
shoulder, so it goes into the slot parallel , better but making marking
out very difficult.

Shown in Leg2.jpg is the tenon and slot cut at 90 degrees to the
surface/edge of the work, not allowing for the angle required.

Or the work needs fixing to a jig so the slot is cut into the leg at an
angle, so matching the tenon going into it. This way once the parts are
machined they will line up giving the required angle to the leg.

Which of these would give a better, but possibly easier joint?

If both way out please offer suggestions, and instructions on how to
make a better joint, but please keep as simple as possible as I still
have lots to learn?

Many thanks in advance for any help you can offer.