I picked up an old Stanley 140 which is in quite good shape except for the iron. It is so deeply pitted over such a large area that
I'd have to grind away most of the useable length to get to good metal. Ron Hock informs me that the #140 is one of the few plane
irons he can't reproduce because of the configuration of the teeth on the back of the blade.
I notice that Craftsman Studio has #140 blades by Lie-Neilsen. Does anyone here know whether that iron is compatible with the
Stanley 140. I know LN makes a 140 style plane and that opens the question of compatibility. I have a query in to Craftsman Studio
on the subject but thought someone here might be able to give me the answer a little faster.
I also have a query in to Stanley about the availability of a "stock" blade for this style plane. There's nothing in their parts
catalog that looks close, but ...
So, if anyone has any ideas on a source for a Stanley #140 replacement iron, I'm all ears (or eyes, as the case may be).
Tom Veatch
Wichita, KS USA
Followup -
Craftsman Studio has already replied to my query - pretty fast response to my mind. According to that response, the 140 iron listed
on their website is for the Stanley 140. Also per that response, in a couple of weeks, the website will be updated to include an
iron for the LN 140 but that the two will be listed separately and in different categories to avoid confusion.
Tom Veatch
Wichita, KS USA