
[email protected] (Jim Newton)

25/08/2004 3:09 PM

[ANNOUNCE] SF Bay Area Combat Robotics Lab Course 9/13/2004

College of San Mateo Offers Third "Robot Challenge" Hands-On Combat
Robotics Building Course


San Mateo, California -- Beginning September 13, 2004, the College of
San Mateo will again offer its very popular community education course
"Robot Challenge", which teaches people of any age and skill level to
build their own fighting robots.

The class, which runs for 10 weeks from September 13, 2004 through
November 22, 2004, will be held at the College of San Mateo's Tech
Center each Monday night from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, with work labs each
Wednesday night from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. This gives builders over 80
hours of shop time!

The Tech Center at CSM was previously a world-class aeronautics repair
facility, and is still fully equipped with all the production machines
and tools the robot builder could only dream of. Equipment available
to builders includes milling machines, lathes, welders, grinders,
sheet metal and fabrication equipment, keyway cutting equipment, a
newly upgraded CNC prototyping mill, specialized robotics tools and
equipment, and much more.

Special emphasis will focus on building combat robots on a tight
budget, including scavenging motors and gearboxes, batteries, and
radio controls from inexpensive items. The class will loan radio
control equipment to students who want to focus on the mechanical
aspects of their robot.

This course does not use a "kit" of any kind. The builders will design
their own unique robot and gather materials and parts to make it a
reality. The instructor gives close guidance and instrution on all
steps of design and construction.

The class will culminate in the big "Robot Rumble" on November 28,
2004 at which builders pit their robots against each other in the
battle ring, and the public is invited to watch.

There is no prerequisite for this class, and builders of any age may
enroll. Builders under 16 years of age must attend with an enrolled
adult partner.

The class fee is $149, which includes the class registration and lab

To register for this class, builders should visit the official class
web site at www.csmrobotics.com or contact the instructor, Jim Newton,
at [email protected].

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Summary: Academic, government & industry research in robotics.
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