I have an old caravan from 1965, a Sprite 400 :)
We found that we did not use the cupboard relly in the 4 weeks of vacation this year, so we came up with an idea.
The old cupboard is a plain tall one with a door, and where we can hang jackets etc, the door opens towards the outer door blocking it when open.
Our clothes were in suitcases on one of the beds
Our new idea is a 2 section cupboard as follows:
Lower part 85 cm tall, as tall as the kitchen on the other side.
The upper part a bit above until the cealing.
I am somewhat limited to the numbers given: with 56 cm, depth 42-44, wheel section is 27 cm tall and goes 27 cm into the cupboard from the wall. Caravan height: 183 cm.
It will open in towards the center, with the kitchen on the other side. The door will always be free then.
It will act as a place to put things, for the kitchen but also to the seating/bed area next to it. E.g. our small TV set can be there.
As it is next to the wheel, which takes up the "wall side", then my idea was to put in a "flip top open" trashcan there. I think that is the best way of using this space and it removed my "toilet trash can" from the floor, givong more space on the floow.
This will give me some 9 cm on top of the wheel, which I plan for electronics - mostly a battery and charger for future solar panels. I can open this on the side (pull the entire block out). Also keeping the battery low is good.
The next 2 parts will be storage places. I was first thinking of doors opening down, but then I tought of tambour doors - the will lock by gravity, and not be in the way.
As it will be built using a sceleton of wood, covered with vineer, there are places for the tambour doors "in between" the shelfes.
There places will be as suitcases, where one can find socks, undewear and t-shirts stacked in there (how much does one need during summer?)
The middle part is for small shelfes, sailor style (round opening where a small part is kept all way around) where things cannot fall out from. The idea is to install light here. Or full height, for bottles? Nice bar?
In order to make it strorg I am thingking of building it over 2 times - the lower and upper parts separetly. The lower can be used when ready.
The upper will be with a slightly more difficult sceleton - a bar in an angle to support it (shown in to places), as I am not sure how much the ceiling can hold. Maybe the top ones will be smaller (say only 30 cm?) for both design and to limit weight.
I thing this will make the best use of the space, and we will not have a place for the small TV, phones, and even as an extension when eating (place the salad bowl there), books. The space is easier to use in separate secions, like the 2 suitcases.
Any comments?