"Lew Hodgett"

06/01/2014 8:12 PM

RE: O/T: Giant Ship Turned Into Vacation House

Found this on Yahoo.com

"Giant Ship Turned Into Vacation House"


Can tell a number of tales about this project including sharing
my dock in Cleveland with the wife of the guy who bought it
for her.

She also was the ramrod that got the project done that summer.

Never saw her dressed in anything but boat yard attire with
a rag or a putty knife and a paint brush in her back pocket when
she was at the boat yard.

It was quite a project to lift the wheelhouse off the boat in
Cleveland,(Needed a 3 legged, 100 ton crane to make the lift) then
put it on a barge and tow it 70+ miles to the west side of
South Bass Island, (AKA: Put-In-Bay) where it was lifted up to the
top of the island ledge and placed on waiting pilings.

This was 1981. My how time flies when you are having fun.
