looking at getting one of these tomorrow. unless its a real POS. went
today to get some lumber for new kitchen cabinet project i am getting
ready to start. SWMBO liked mahogany so thats what we got. she allways
gets her way! lol... all we could get at a fair price was rough sawn
8/4 x 12 or larger. i told her 8/4 material needed to be resawn for
what i was doing with it and she say,s can you do that? i say,s ayup
BUT i dont have a big enough saw to do it with. well guess what she
said! hehehehe. "keeper"!!!! so she is gonna go pick one up tomorrow.
the 18" delta was the only one reasonably priced that would resaw 12"
stock. the jet does not. laguna with shipping is way more than i want
to spend right now so unless there is good reason to avoid the delta
that will be the one. how bout some fast oppinions or links to some
reviews guys?
thanks, skeez
On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 23:40:46 GMT, skeezics
<[email protected]> wrote:
>looking at getting one of these tomorrow. unless its a real POS. went
>today to get some lumber for new kitchen cabinet project i am getting
>ready to start. SWMBO liked mahogany so thats what we got. she allways
>gets her way! lol... all we could get at a fair price was rough sawn
>8/4 x 12 or larger. i told her 8/4 material needed to be resawn for
>what i was doing with it and she say,s can you do that? i say,s ayup
>BUT i dont have a big enough saw to do it with. well guess what she
>said! hehehehe. "keeper"!!!! so she is gonna go pick one up tomorrow.
>the 18" delta was the only one reasonably priced that would resaw 12"
>stock. the jet does not. laguna with shipping is way more than i want
>to spend right now so unless there is good reason to avoid the delta
>that will be the one. how bout some fast oppinions or links to some
>reviews guys?
>thanks, skeez
ok. thanks for all the replies! :-] since i heard no bad things about
this saw i got one yesterday. setup was a breeze. the blade tracked
perfect right out of the crate and seems to cut fairly well. i resawed
a 1x6 fir and made a 1/8" slab that was nearly perfect. not bad for
someone who has never resawn on a bandsaw before. im sure a new
timberwolf or suffolk blade will make it an even more enjoyable
experience. what a step up from my old chiwanese 14" bandsaw with
cobbled up guides!!!! this thing is so quiet i couldnt help but hit
the start button more than once to be sure it had started. the laguna
was my saw of choice but i believe this delta beast willl serve me
just fine for many years to come. and it was much cheaper. setting the
guides was a little fiddly and the ball ended allen wrench they gave
me with the saw striped out on the second set screw. but i have many
allen wrenches so i replaced them all with some good old american
tools! any recomendations on width of blade to resaw with? i think it
will use up to 1 1/2" but i doubt that is nessesary.