Justin Greigson

04/09/2004 7:03 PM

OT - Australian's coming election

Let's face it folks, only one of two parties will win the coming
Australian election. Labor or Liberal. Thinking of voting for one of
the other smaller parties? Fine - but consider first, which of the
main two do you want to get in, or not get in, as the case may be...

For instance - vote for the Greens? Fine - but be aware of where
their PREFERENCES go. Preferences basically mean, that if they don't
get in (and let's be realistic, no other party except one of those
will), then the smaller group passes on their votes to one of the big
two. In return for this sucking up, they are promised by Labor or
Liberal that they will receive bribes later on in the form of jobs,
getting their ideas passed, etc.

Sure - vote for whatever idiot you like (and we all know they are all
idiots), but THINK first for goodness sake, where your vote goes AFTER
it gets wasted on the Greens, Democrats or "Quickies for Queers"

Now about Johnny Boy. First up, a couple of days ago he was caught
spamming his political propaganda - yep, sending unsolicted email to
try and garner votes. In other words, he generally considers
Australians are just as stupid as spammers do - you know - the ones
trying to sell us viagra, penis-enlarging devices and that whining
family in Romania/South Africa who are still begging for donations so
they can flee supposed persecution (yet by some miracle can still
afford an internet connection while hiding from the military). What
message does this send to spammers, eh?

Howard has just tonight started inflicting his new TV adverts upon us.
His favorite bit of waffle for the last two weeks is included in the
first advert. That is, that the Liberals are responsible for falling
home loan interest rates. HOGWASH. Many months ago, when it looked
like those low interest rates were going to start RISING, I clearly
remember several interviews where Howard said that no Australian
government can say they can influence what the reserve bank does with
interest rates. In other words, he was concerned everyone would blame
him if interest rates would rise - so he held up his hands and said,
"Whoa! That won't be our fault, we can't influence interest rates, so
don't blame me!" Now, Mr Magoo is trying to claim interest rates FELL
and that he DID influence them. What scum politicians are. All of
'em. They can't have it both ways.

Then there's the bribes Little John recently shovelled into our bank
accounts. And the new $3000 baby bonus, to encourage more single
mothers to open their legs for two, three and four-teen different

There's the GST that "will never be a part of Liberal policy" (from
Howards lips several times) that drove many businesses OUT of
business. You know - the one that made a Woolworths BBQ chicken $11
now, when they used to be $6 previously.

The closure of the CES, and then contracting job placement out to
private companies more concerned with turnover quotas on spreadsheets,
than actually placing people in real, long-term, suitable jobs. And
while we're on that subject, let's not forget the new Centrelink
computer system he introduced that overpaid thousands of people for
years with glitches & bugs numbering around 170 at one count, that
they now want paid back immediately. BUT while that fat, disgusting,
slobering sow, Amanda Vandstone chased people for that money (calling
honest pensioners thieves), they now turn around and say the hundreds
of thousands of dollars in overpayments recently given out in bribes -
to try and buy your vote... oh, let's let everyone keep THOSE
overpayments, because after all, we ARE trying to buy votes at the
moment, aren't we!

Pulled money out of hospitals for YEARS.
Pulled money out of the Pharmecutical Benefits Scheme for YEARS.
Pulled money out of medicare for YEARS.
Increased uni fees beyond reasonable reach for everyone except their
relatives and friends, while at the same time increasing the influx of
overseas students who take the limited places that are left over...

Now of course, it's election time and there's all this talk about
putting money back into those things. Well, if bald-headed Mr Sheen
hadn't taken all that money out IN THE FIRST PLACE, they wouldn't need
to now put it back in again, would they. I had to change doctors SIX
TIMES to try and keep up with the one that still bulk billed.

Both groups are scum. Both are liars. Both are setting themselves up
for a life of retirement with ongoing, half-million dollar pensions.
(And in the case of lard-arse Vandstone, gorging on chinese takeaway
at our expense.) Labor or Liberal - that's the only real choice we
have. Neither is a good choice, but I'm sick of Howard and his lies.
Vote him out. Vote for your other parties making certain first, their
preferences go to Labor. Get his ugly, bald-headed mug off our TV for
a few years, for goodness sake.

And if you can stand to watch him, watch his tongue. He does this
little thing with the tip of his toungue when he's about to lie his
hair out. (Hm. No wonder he looks more like Benny Hill every day.)


When an agnostic dies, do they go to the "great perhaps"?

This topic has 7 replies



in reply to Justin Greigson on 04/09/2004 7:03 PM

05/09/2004 3:33 PM

Greg Millen <[email protected]> wrote before thinking
news:[email protected]...
> "Justin Greigson" posted all over the internet ...
> > a bunch of whining rubbish
> Well, that just about sums up the standard of political debate down here.
> bloody wonder little Johnny thinks he's a king.
> You should be banished to Tasmania you fool.

Fair bloody go, sport - we don't want your north-island trash down here,

Tasmanian, and happy to be so.



in reply to Justin Greigson on 04/09/2004 7:03 PM

05/09/2004 4:46 PM

Greg Millen <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Conehead" wrote in message ...
> > Fair bloody go, sport - we don't want your north-island trash down here,
> > thanks.
> > --
> > Conehead
> > Tasmanian, and happy to be so.
> Lol, figure of speech - how about NZ then?
> Greg
New Zealand would be fine. He would raise the average IQ in both places.




in reply to Justin Greigson on 04/09/2004 7:03 PM

07/09/2004 6:24 PM

> And if you can stand to watch him, watch his tongue. He does this
> little thing with the tip of his toungue when he's about to lie his
> hair out.

Ive seen that........its called "speaking".


"J. Clarke"

in reply to Justin Greigson on 04/09/2004 7:03 PM

04/09/2004 10:44 AM

Greg Millen wrote:

> "Justin Greigson" posted all over the internet ...
>> a bunch of whining rubbish
> Well, that just about sums up the standard of political debate down here.
> No bloody wonder little Johnny thinks he's a king.
> You should be banished to Tasmania you fool.

Personally I found it refreshing to see some political commentary that
wasn't "Bush is the Antichrist/Is not/Is so . . .".

Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)


"Greg Millen"

in reply to Justin Greigson on 04/09/2004 7:03 PM

04/09/2004 10:38 AM

"Justin Greigson" posted all over the internet ...
> a bunch of whining rubbish

Well, that just about sums up the standard of political debate down here. No
bloody wonder little Johnny thinks he's a king.

You should be banished to Tasmania you fool.



"Greg Millen"

in reply to Justin Greigson on 04/09/2004 7:03 PM

05/09/2004 5:38 AM

"Conehead" wrote in message ...
> Fair bloody go, sport - we don't want your north-island trash down here,
> thanks.
> --
> Conehead
> Tasmanian, and happy to be so.

Lol, figure of speech - how about NZ then?



"Greg Millen"

in reply to Justin Greigson on 04/09/2004 7:03 PM

05/09/2004 5:36 AM

"J. Clarke" wrote in message ...
> Personally I found it refreshing to see some political commentary that
> wasn't "Bush is the Antichrist/Is not/Is so . . .".

Perhaps John, except this twerp has crossposted this junk all over the


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