
24/01/2008 8:24 AM

How To Care For Your Designer Handbag

Whether your designer handbag is a Louis Vuitton, a Gucci, or any
other designer, it is important to take proper care of it. Proper care
will give you many years of beauty and use in return.

Most leather designer bags are not treated. This allows the bags to
age gracefully and with the character expected from a designer bag,
making them distinct and unique.

Keep your bag away from makeup, food, or any other oil based product
which can stain. When you are not using your bag, store it in a
protective cloth container.

The very first thing you should do is treat your handbag with a
leather protector to prevent stains from setting in. No matter how
careful you are, at some point your likely to leave a mark on it and
the leather protection will not allow it to soak in so you'll be able
to more easily remove it.

What to do if you get a stain. Here's some helpful tips worth trying.

Cleaning leather can be a bit difficult. Leather is rugged and lasts a
long time but it does stain quite easily. Depending on the type of
leather and the finish, will depend on the cleaning method used.

If a handbag is tanned, and pigmented you can try to wipe the stain
with a soft damp clothe. If this doesn't work, try a leather cleaner
specifically made for the type of leather you have. Follow the
directions carefully.

Once the spot has been removed it is a good idea to re-condition the
leather to restore the natural luster. Always test a leather product
in inconspicuous spot before applying to your entire handbag.

If the leather has become discolored there are leather products on the
market that can help restore color. Try to match the product as close
as possible to the natural color of your handbag.

If your not sure, we would recommend you take it to a professional
leather cleaner who will have the expertise to remove the stain.
