Anyone within driving distance of SE Wisconsin looking to try their hand at=
turning? I bought this lathe about 18 months ago to see if turning was of=
interest. I'm now ready to upgrade to a larger lathe. Let me know if you=
're interested and I'll send pix and particulars. I don't think I have a r=
ational explanation for SWMBO for having two lathes in my shop :-)
Gramps' shop wrote:
> Anyone within driving distance of SE Wisconsin looking to try their hand at turning? I bought this lathe about 18 months ago to see if turning was of interest. I'm now ready to upgrade to a larger lathe. Let me know if you're interested and I'll send pix and particulars. I don't think I have a rational explanation for SWMBO for having two lathes in my shop :-)
> Larry
A second lathe comes in handy. My second one (HF crap) has a jacobs
chuck and a buffing wheel on it and I use it a lot.
GW Ross
Marching to a different kettle of
fish. . . .