On Sunday, March 2, 2014 4:44:02 PM UTC-6, Anonymous wrote:
> I want to build a wood ironing board that is sturdy for quilt making. Hav=
e not been able to find plans. --
I don't have any plans, but I have an old wooden ironing board, salvaged fr=
om an old plantation house. It was an in-wall unit, that hinged down from =
inside a small closet. It's longer and more narrow than a typical/modern i=
roning board. I can take pics and get a few measurements, if you think thi=
s will help. =20
I don't recall if there are any legs to it.... it's been stashed in the old=
shop for decades and I don't recall its complete intactness.
Anonymous wrote:
> I want to build a wood ironing board that is sturdy for quilt making.
> Have not been able to find plans.
Did you even try a google search? I used the search string "wood
ironingboard plans" and turned up too many references to bother pointing you
to in this post. Some look pretty good. Give it another try since only you
know what you're really looking for and only you can know if any of those
meet your expectations.
[email protected]