

30/12/2006 3:07 PM

(router) bits by bit

I've just been wanting to point this out to someone. From a hobby
standpoint. There's been a lot of talk on routers lately. Its not a Lee
Valley catalog comment but here goes. Its got everything you want: money,
tools and ridicule. With that you can get sex and violence. Actually I
just wish I could justify going out to buy some bit sets. Remember, I live
in Toronto and I bought a set of bits (26 pce.) from Canadian Tire. It was
on sale at the time, and I am lucky it was, compared to other sets. The 26
pce set is regularly priced about the same there 36 pce set. see here:

I just noticed the larger 36 pce set is on sale. The difference is the
carbide type, there being limited ways/materials to use; the 26 pce set has
Ti (titanium) carbide, the other, who knows. I bet it would rust without
hesitation in any moisture. I'm not here to promote CT, or anyone. I don't
know where these bits are quality wise (for hobbyist/or other). I know a
Frued bit will cut through a screw like butter and look like new.

with either set, you'll be short sizes. The first time I had to use my set
I didn' t have all of the sizes that I could have used. I wasn't about to
go to the store. Now when I make anything the run to the store for all the
in between sizes at 16x sale of set price looms.

Others like sets for dirt prices, even if the quality is corner store. You
may just fit into both categories.

There are certain types of bits that you will need in all sizes, like
straight, rabbet, roundover, and beading. .If you box yourself into a
corner, you will regret it. Then there are the standard sizes of materials
that are readily available . I would say even the largest sets don't even
do the basics on the few simple sizes of plywood, 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 5/8",
and 3/4", not to mention in between sizes, like the mundane 3,5,7,9,11, or
13 /16".

Then there are the ogees, (and any other profile). I am trying to filter
needed types out of the sets from the dozen other categories of things you
may need. A rail & stile/panel raising set is something you don't get in a
set, but is a set you can get anywhere from anyone.

Several sets cover needed ground: necc. options, not in a set (not a company

(6 rabbet sizes):

(6 pce.straight set):

(roundover- this is ONLY 4 pce)

beading and ogee. I don't see definitive sets here, but here's this main

I have not put a lot of though into this. But its better than an all in one
set as far as being a happy hobbier goes.

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