Stephen Anthony

02/08/2004 6:04 PM

Cypress supplier in New England?

Hi All,

I'm looking to get some cypress to build some outdoor
furniture. Anyone recommend a supplier in the North of Boston area
(Merrimack valley or southern NH)?



Stephen Anthony

"I fear we have awakened a sleeping tiger and filled it with a
terrible resolve" -- Admiral Isoruko Yamamoto, December 8, 1941

This topic has 3 replies


"Dave W"

in reply to Stephen Anthony on 02/08/2004 6:04 PM

02/08/2004 4:15 PM

Am I missing something here? Eastern white cedar, $1/BF at the local
mill, is rot resistant and looks great year after year with an annual bleach
bath. When in Rome.... I guess I am curious why one would use lumber from
away when our back yards are full of a great alternative.
"Stephen Anthony" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi All,
> I'm looking to get some cypress to build some outdoor
> furniture. Anyone recommend a supplier in the North of Boston area
> (Merrimack valley or southern NH)?
> TIA.
> Steve
> --
> Stephen Anthony
> "I fear we have awakened a sleeping tiger and filled it with a
> terrible resolve" -- Admiral Isoruko Yamamoto, December 8, 1941


"Lee Gordon"

in reply to Stephen Anthony on 02/08/2004 6:04 PM

03/08/2004 3:35 AM

Steve ...

<<I'm looking to get some cypress to build some outdoor
furniture. Anyone recommend a supplier in the North of Boston area
(Merrimack valley or southern NH)?>>

You might try Highland Hardwoods in Brentwood, NH. Their website does not
list cypress among the species they carry but it wouldn't hurt to ask. I
did see some in the Woodcraft store in Manchester, CT last week so I assume
it would also be available at their store in Newington, NH outside of
Portsmouth or their store in Woburn.


To e-mail, replace "bucketofspam" with "dleegordon"


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to Stephen Anthony on 02/08/2004 6:04 PM

02/08/2004 7:51 PM

"Stephen Anthony" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi All,
> I'm looking to get some cypress to build some outdoor
> furniture. Anyone recommend a supplier in the North of Boston area
> (Merrimack valley or southern NH)?
> TIA.
> Steve

Well if you truly mean New England, I know of at least two. Harris
Enterprises in Manchester CT and CT Hardwoods Group in Enfield, CT. I'm
pretty sure Downes and Reader in Stoughton MA has it also. I bought some
earlier this year and paid about $3.50 a foot for 4/4

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