
02/01/2006 12:56 PM

so how many??

How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
have so many to do, so many I want to do.

I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list was this
disorganized as mine.

Projects I have on the go at the moment is a kitchen remodeling,
storage crates, wooden bent trike, display case, storage area
remodeling. Seems kind of small but I'm sure I'm missing out on a few


This topic has 29 replies


"Dave Jackson"

in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

03/01/2006 1:08 AM

I get so many started and sometimes it takes longer to complete some than
others. My wife swears I'm A.D.D. I say I'm just waiting to get a new
tool/more material/more inspiration/ etc, but she's probably right. --dave

"David" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> TrailRat wrote:
>> How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
>> have so many to do, so many I want to do.
>> I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list was this
>> disorganized as mine.
>> Projects I have on the go at the moment is a kitchen remodeling,
>> storage crates, wooden bent trike, display case, storage area
>> remodeling. Seems kind of small but I'm sure I'm missing out on a few
>> things.
>> TR
> I do one wood project at a time. I've got little space for wood storage
> and less when I've got a cabinet occupying the only assembly table I have
> room for.
> dave


Tom Watson

in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 5:07 PM

On Mon, 2 Jan 2006 15:06:50 -0600, "Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote:

>"TrailRat" wrote in message
>> How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
>> have so many to do, so many I want to do.
>Only one personal one at a time .... an ironclad rule that makes it easy to


>good looking blonde across the street in a weak
>moment caused by low cut blouse/


You've got more iron in you than I do, Swing.

BTW - that's the second titty reference of the day. Did you play a
gig at the local nudie bar this weekend?

(watson - who ain't been in a titty bar since before silicone was more
than a caulk - sigh...)

Tom Watson


in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 1:13 PM

TrailRat wrote:
> How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
> have so many to do, so many I want to do.
> I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list was this
> disorganized as mine.
> Projects I have on the go at the moment is a kitchen remodeling,
> storage crates, wooden bent trike, display case, storage area
> remodeling. Seems kind of small but I'm sure I'm missing out on a few
> things.
> TR


Funny that you ask. I have a big problem with that because I've been
more busy collecting the perfect set of tools rather than doing
projects. Worst, when I start a project, I usually give a good shot at
it until something else comes along and I'm forced to push it aside. In
some occasions, it took me over 2 years to complete a simple

The situation is so bad now than even my wife doesn't want me to start
anything that is on a tight schedule because she knows things won't be
ready on time. I also get the usual nagging lines like:

"You better start your son's bedroom set now before he leaves the house
for university (he's 10 months old)" (By the way, he has a small
bedroom set already but I wanted to make him one that would be more fun
for him to use)




in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 1:28 PM

lol. I started a train table for my oldest son when he was 2. I
didn't finish it until he was 6 and his brother was 2. :-)

I also refuse requests. My main focus at the moment is shop tools. I
don't have enough storage space in the shop, nor do I have a proper
work bench. I think those things are the priority at the moment.



in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 2:05 PM

TrailRat wrote:
> How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
> have so many to do, so many I want to do.
> I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list was this
> disorganized as mine.

If you don't have at least 178 items on your list, then you have too
much time on your hands. Idle hands are the devil's playground.
Especially when it comes down to the good looking blonde across the
street, especially when she has a really low cut blouse on.

Also, it can indicate that nobody wants you doing anything for them.
For whatever reason.

Tom in KY, trying to stay busy with at least 185 unfinished projects
and a really good looking blonde across the street with a really low
cut blouse on almost every time I see her and I appreciate the crap out
of it too! ;-)


in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 6:21 PM

Morris Dovey wrote:
> TrailRat (in [email protected])
> said:
> | How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
> | have so many to do, so many I want to do.
> Too many to ever even get 'em all started. Every project stimulates a
> whole pile of new ideas.
> I have every confidence that your list will grow much longer... ;-)

Summed up rather well. Yep. Morris probably has 500 or more on his

Tom in KY



in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 11:56 PM

> To all you organised blokes out there, I humbly admit admiration.
> regards
> John

I echo that sentiment.
To be fair I'm working without a work shop, hand power tools only. My
other problem lies in the fact that I salvage, re-cycle, reclaim all my
timber if I can. So I'm usually waiting for someone else to realize
they don't need that bit of timber before I can find it.

I think some mentioned A.D.D in passing humour. I had that as a kid,
can it continue into adulthood? Might explain a few thing.

Thanks anyway for your comments

And yes low cut blouses are generally a distraction until SWMBO gently
reminds you where your loyalty lies. This usually involves a thump.




in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

03/01/2006 4:17 PM

TrailRat wrote:
> How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
> have so many to do, so many I want to do.

I like having two going at once, usually in different phases so if I
get tired doing joinery I can take a break and do some finishing for
example. Course right now it's all jewelry boxes while I try to finish
up some very late, overly ambitious xms presents. A pair of matching
jewelry boxes for my sister and neice - out of bloodwood and soft
maple. Taking about 4x as long as I budgeted (in progress pics here if
anyone cares: mainly because the
bloodwood is a total bastard and beats the hell of out of my not so
great handtools. Gawd, I've spent as much time sharpening chisels and
plane blades as I have cutting wood. Not working with this stuff again
for a while, need better tools and more practice.

> I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list was this
> disorganized as mine.

Yeah my project list itself is pretty disorganized and always subject
to change. Since I'm still pretty new to this hobby I want to make
practice items first before commiting to the real thing. Here's what I
got going on or will have going on soon, in rough order of priority:

xmas presents: Knife Block for Mom (needs finishing); Bloodwood & Maple
box #1 (needs a bottom, needs the lid attached and needs to be
finished) Bloodwood & Maple box #2 (needs to be started (all tools need
a sharpening first))

Maple and Walnut box as a surprise, non xmas gift for my girlfriend.

In the Pipe:

Small corner unit entertainment center - practice project, going to a
buddy who will pay for the wood and hardware needed. He's cheap so
probably a poplar body with ash for the top.

Blanket Chest #1- practice project for me to keep, thinking maple and

Small breakfast table for girlfriend's new apartment
Coffee table for girlfriend's new apartment
Blanket Chest for girlfriend.

Breakfast table for me
corner unit entertainment center for me, to replace giant wall unit I
have now.

Of course the priorities will all change once my girlfriend gets moved
into to her new place and starts wanting furniture... I think the
breakfast table will probably go up to the top of the list pretty quick




in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

03/01/2006 4:34 PM

FunkySpaceCowboy wrote:
> A pair of matching jewelry boxes for my sister and neice - out of bloodwood and soft
> maple. Taking about 4x as long as I budgeted (in progress pics here if
> anyone cares:

Nice pics, I wish more people would post pics.

> Maple and Walnut box as a surprise, non xmas gift for my girlfriend.

Please post pics when finished.

> Blanket Chest #1- practice project for me to keep, thinking maple and
> walnut.

Please post pics when finished.

> my girlfriend :->

Please post pics. ;-)

Tom in KY, Come ON, everybody wants to see !!!


in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

03/01/2006 5:10 PM

Tom Watson wrote:
> Tom:
> Do you ever wander over to ABPW?

Lots of girlfriend shots over there, eh.

At least that's what I saw :-)


Tom Watson

in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

03/01/2006 8:18 PM

On 3 Jan 2006 17:10:32 -0800, [email protected] wrote:

>Tom Watson wrote:
>> Tom:
>> Do you ever wander over to ABPW?
>Lots of girlfriend shots over there, eh.
> At least that's what I saw :-)

Tom Watson - WoodDorker

tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)



in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 12:59 PM

TrailRat wrote:

> How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
> have so many to do, so many I want to do.
> I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list was this
> disorganized as mine.
> Projects I have on the go at the moment is a kitchen remodeling,
> storage crates, wooden bent trike, display case, storage area
> remodeling. Seems kind of small but I'm sure I'm missing out on a few
> things.
> TR
I do one wood project at a time. I've got little space for wood storage
and less when I've got a cabinet occupying the only assembly table I
have room for.




in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

03/01/2006 5:22 PM

--I've got "fast track" projects and "slow track" projects.
Trouble is they're kinda all mixed up together.

"Steamboat Ed" Haas : Whatever happened
Hacking the Trailing Edge! : to Tom Nelson?
---Decks a-wash in a sea of words---



in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 8:21 PM

": >
: >> How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel
like I
: >> have so many to do, so many I want to do.
: >>
: >> I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list
was this
: >> disorganized as mine.
: >>
: >> Projects I have on the go at the moment is a kitchen
: >> storage crates, wooden bent trike, display case, storage
: >> remodeling. Seems kind of small but I'm sure I'm missing out
on a few
: >> things.
: >>
: >> TR
I generally keep two projects at a time going: One major, one
strictly for play/recreation for while the main ine's waiting for
something or I don't feel good or just need a break. But, the
lists require lists to keep track of the lists, so those are
always in flux! Stupid warm weather's keeping me WAY too busy on
those dumb enclosed porches though; t hought I had til spring to
get back to those! So, the "temp" porch jobs have displaced the
"main" job AND the play project for the moment. So, I guess now
& then it springs out to three or four! Still got a piece of
molding missing in the tub room; oh yeah, that outlet downstairs
still needs a metal cover; think there was something about a car
that needed locks lubricated , . , ... nuts! <G>



in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 4:24 PM

Mon, Jan 2, 2006, 12:56pm (EST-3) [email protected] (TrailRat)
walked in mumbling:
<snip> I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list was
this disorganized as mine.<snip>

No way. The priorities do change, depending on circumstances, but
that's normal. Another router table is gaining in priority, but not #1
yet, or even #3. The next saw sled is a higher priority. The new
planer sled is lower than the router table right now, but If I find I've
got a chunk of 2X8 or 2X12, or thinkg of something use insted, it'll
probably jump to top place. And so it goes. I don't worry about any of

You'll never get anywhere if you believe what you "hear".
What do you "know"?
- Granny Weatherwax



in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 4:59 PM

"Tom Watson" wrote in message

"Swingman" wrote:

> >good looking blonde across the street in a weak
> >moment caused by low cut blouse/
> <snip>
> You've got more iron in you than I do, Swing.
> BTW - that's the second titty reference of the day. Did you play a
> gig at the local nudie bar this weekend?
> (watson - who ain't been in a titty bar since before silicone was more
> than a caulk - sigh...)

You'd have to see the blonde across the street to understand.

... enough of this, I gotta go take my iron.

Last update: 12/13/05



in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 7:23 PM

Dave Jackson wrote:
> I get so many started and sometimes it takes longer to complete some than
> others. My wife swears I'm A.D.D. I say I'm just waiting to get a new
> tool/more material/more inspiration/ etc, but she's probably right. --dave
> "David" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>TrailRat wrote:
>>>How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
>>>have so many to do, so many I want to do.
>>>I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list was this
>>>disorganized as mine.
>>>Projects I have on the go at the moment is a kitchen remodeling,
>>>storage crates, wooden bent trike, display case, storage area
>>>remodeling. Seems kind of small but I'm sure I'm missing out on a few
>>I do one wood project at a time. I've got little space for wood storage
>>and less when I've got a cabinet occupying the only assembly table I have
>>room for.
Finishing a project is not my problem; starting them is! :) That's
because I labor over the design phase. The rest is relatively easy, for
me (relative to the designing, I mean)!




in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

03/01/2006 7:33 AM

On 1/3/2006 2:56 AM TrailRat mumbled something about the following:
>> To all you organised blokes out there, I humbly admit admiration.
>> regards
>> John
> I echo that sentiment.
> To be fair I'm working without a work shop, hand power tools only. My
> other problem lies in the fact that I salvage, re-cycle, reclaim all my
> timber if I can. So I'm usually waiting for someone else to realize
> they don't need that bit of timber before I can find it.
> I think some mentioned A.D.D in passing humour. I had that as a kid,
> can it continue into adulthood? Might explain a few thing.
> Thanks anyway for your comments
> And yes low cut blouses are generally a distraction until SWMBO gently
> reminds you where your loyalty lies. This usually involves a thump.
> TR

You never seen that TV commercial about adult ADD? First time I saw the
commercial, I thought to myself, "Isn't that normal? Doesn't everyone's
mind work this way?" It never occurred to me that most adults don't
have ADD. I do think it has helped me as a computer software developer
and admin though, because I'm usually involved in about 20-30 projects
at work, and if I waited until each one was completed before I started
on the next, I would be so far behind. Instead I work a few minutes on
this project, a few minutes on that, etc. and am able to give progress
reports on every project.

Odinn - glad to have adult ADD


"James \"Cubby\" Culbertson"

in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 5:04 PM

"TrailRat" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
> have so many to do, so many I want to do.
> I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list was this
> disorganized as mine.
> Projects I have on the go at the moment is a kitchen remodeling,
> storage crates, wooden bent trike, display case, storage area
> remodeling. Seems kind of small but I'm sure I'm missing out on a few
> things.
> TR

Yes. I tend to get started on a project and before finishing, I start on
another. I'm pretty good at keeping on pace with the woodworking projects
but it's the house ones that I get to about 95% and then move on to the
next. Right now, I'm finishing up an adobe wall, building a kiva style
fireplace, putting wood floors down, painting, brick walks, etc.... and
trying to plan a workshop (hopefully breaking ground in the spring if it
doesn't cost me too much). I haven't even mentioned the projects on my
Jeep but I think you get the point. I'm trying to completely finish one
before moving on to the next. You aren't alone......


Brian Henderson

in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

03/01/2006 9:29 PM

On 2 Jan 2006 12:56:36 -0800, "TrailRat" <[email protected]>

>How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
>have so many to do, so many I want to do.

Do you mean how many am I actually physically working on, or how many
I wish I had time to get to?

At the moment, I've got one big project going and two smaller
projects. Well, I had to build some things for the big project, so I
guess I had another project there, but that's over with. And the two
smaller ones could easily be finished, if I took time off from the big
one to actually finish them, so...



in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 10:09 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
"TrailRat" <[email protected]> wrote:

> I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list was this
> disorganized as mine.

1) My oldest daughter needs a coffee table for her new place.
She is buying all the right pieces, raising the bar on what will 'fit
in' with her decor. I told her 2006. Cherry.

2) Two bedside tables which will attach to the headboard (already in
place). The cherry is in inventory. Two 100"+ boards will be used to
make a shallow shelf to sit on top of the cherry headboard. My wife will
like them, we worked on the design together, a la Stickley, but cherry.
I paid Can$5.50 bd-ft 4/4 dressed...not too bad for around here. I told
her 2006.

3) Island and elevated bar Solid surface tops. Model home, residential
development South Shore Lake Huron, due January 2006.

4) 2 units each 4-bowl Solid Surface vanities. Holiday Inn, Bluewater.
Due Jan 15 2006.

5-12) Countertops as I get to them by July 21 2006 as I will go to Nova
Scotia to attend yet another HOG wedding and eat some seafood, drink
some beer.

All these things are happening at once. I am also planning a trip to
Durham NC in April.

I am as organized as a Tasmanian devil in a revolving door.


"Mike Marlow"

in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 4:51 PM

"David" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> I do one wood project at a time.

Me too, 'cept I don't always (read: usually...) finish one before starting


[email protected]


John B

in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

03/01/2006 4:06 AM

TrailRat wrote:
> How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
> have so many to do, so many I want to do.
> I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list was this
> disorganized as mine.
> Projects I have on the go at the moment is a kitchen remodeling,
> storage crates, wooden bent trike, display case, storage area
> remodeling. Seems kind of small but I'm sure I'm missing out on a few
> things.
> TR
G'day all,
Sure is good to know that a bloke is not alone in this world ;)
My biggest problem with getting jobs done is getting them started.
I keep on finding that in order to do A, B, must be done and B, relies
on D being completed but before D, C needs a coat of paint etc etc etc.
Actually, with reno's happening soon, I have so many bloody things to do
and half started to finish that I haven't had time to make that list. ;)

To all you organised blokes out there, I humbly admit admiration.



"Morris Dovey"

in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 7:53 PM

TrailRat (in [email protected])

| How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
| have so many to do, so many I want to do.

Too many to ever even get 'em all started. Every project stimulates a
whole pile of new ideas. The most recent is a low-cost combination
mortising/tenoning and dovetail machine with a spindle that can be
used horizontally or vertically - under PC control.

| I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list was this
| disorganized as mine.

To be truly unique, you'll need to do better than just "disorganized".

| Projects I have on the go at the moment is a kitchen remodeling,
| storage crates, wooden bent trike, display case, storage area
| remodeling. Seems kind of small but I'm sure I'm missing out on a
| few things.

I have every confidence that your list will grow much longer... ;-)

Morris Dovey
DeSoto Solar
DeSoto, Iowa USA



in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 3:06 PM

"TrailRat" wrote in message
> How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
> have so many to do, so many I want to do.

Only one personal one at a time .... an ironclad rule that makes it easy to
refuse neighbors/relatives/good looking blonde across the street in a weak
moment caused by low cut blouse/ and those who can't screw in a light bulb
and want you to do something.

Last update: 12/13/05


Ba r r y

in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 11:28 PM

On 2 Jan 2006 12:56:36 -0800, "TrailRat" <[email protected]>

>How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
>have so many to do, so many I want to do.
>I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list was this
>disorganized as mine.

I often have one major project and several smaller projects going at
once. I like being able to work on something else while glue or
finishing products dry.

Other times, I have paid projects going while personal projects sit.



Tom Watson

in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

03/01/2006 7:48 PM

On 3 Jan 2006 16:34:07 -0800, [email protected] wrote:

>FunkySpaceCowboy wrote:
>> A pair of matching jewelry boxes for my sister and neice - out of bloodwood and soft
>> maple. Taking about 4x as long as I budgeted (in progress pics here if
>> anyone cares:
>Nice pics, I wish more people would post pics.
>> Maple and Walnut box as a surprise, non xmas gift for my girlfriend.
>Please post pics when finished.
>> Blanket Chest #1- practice project for me to keep, thinking maple and
>> walnut.
>Please post pics when finished.
>> my girlfriend :->
>Please post pics. ;-)
>Tom in KY, Come ON, everybody wants to see !!!


Do you ever wander over to ABPW?

Tom Watson - WoodDorker

tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)


Tom Watson

in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 4:34 PM

On 2 Jan 2006 12:56:36 -0800, "TrailRat" <[email protected]>

>How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
>have so many to do, so many I want to do.
>I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list was this
>disorganized as mine.
>Projects I have on the go at the moment is a kitchen remodeling,
>storage crates, wooden bent trike, display case, storage area
>remodeling. Seems kind of small but I'm sure I'm missing out on a few

"I feel your pain."

The key is categorization and prioritization!

First, the categories:

A: Projects That, If Not Done Immediately, Will Result In Death
Or Dismemberment To Those You Love.

B: Projects That, If Not Done Immediately, Will Result In Your
Wife Poisoning You. (Often thought to be a subcategory of the above
but that is a misattribution, sometimes).

C: Projects That, If Not Done Immediately, Will Result In Your
Going Finally and Irrevocably Insane. (cf: Cleaning The Shop).

D: Projects That, If Not Done Immediately, Will Result In
Disappointing Your Children.

E: Projects That Would Be Really Fun And Would Only Take One Day.

F: Projects That Must Be Done Immediately Because God Told You To
Do Them.

Now, How To Prioritize:

Do E: until you get to the point where you simply must do C:, always
keeping in mind that you will have to fight a delaying action on A:
and B:.

Once you get C: done, do D:. You can use this as leverage in staving
off B:, and in most cases, A:, because both are most often a matter of

Once you are in the clear on D:, you can go back to doing E:, keeping
in mind the multiplier effect which states, " All jobs that are fun
and will only take one day will turn out to be 1/2 as much fun as you
originally thought and will take 3X longer." If you do too much E:,
A: and especially B: will catch up with you.

When you get to the point where you must simply do A: or B:, plead the
fact that you must first do F:. By this time you will have another D:
to do. You can get away with the F: excuse with the D: people but the
person involved with B: will likely say, "Unless you are building a
freaking Ark, you need to start doing some B:

You may be out of smack by this point and will just have to do B:

However, if F: is true, and A: is true, you may not have to do B: at
all, because that decision will be taken out of your hands.

In this case, those pertinent to D: will inherit everything you own
and begin the cycle all over again.

Simple really.

Tom Watson


Mark & Juanita

in reply to "TrailRat" on 02/01/2006 12:56 PM

02/01/2006 8:04 PM

On 2 Jan 2006 12:56:36 -0800, "TrailRat" <[email protected]> wrote:

>How many projects have you got on the go at one time. I feel like I
>have so many to do, so many I want to do.
>I was just curious as to wether anyone elses project list was this
>disorganized as mine.
>Projects I have on the go at the moment is a kitchen remodeling,
>storage crates, wooden bent trike, display case, storage area
>remodeling. Seems kind of small but I'm sure I'm missing out on a few

Have a list of projects for the future, but I only work on one
woodworking project at a time and until it is finished and placed.
Household projects are another story, those are worked on in order of
priority (i.e, how bad is it broken and/or is not fixing it costing money
or good-standing with wife points) and available time.


If you're gonna be dumb, you better be tough


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