One day last year I was driving around in a bad mood because Home Depot
was out of stock in 1X10s or something and all the local lumberyards were
gone. I passed a t-shirt shop, turned around and went back. I wore my new
"Home Depot Sucks" t-shirt to a local concert a few days later, and might
as well have gone naked. The cops didn't have to drag me away, but it was
a real conversation starter, and comments were going off around me like
flashbulbs, probably divided about 50-50 on the topic. "Y'know, Home Depot
is sponsoring this concert" stands out in my mind. Since I don't particularly
enjoy that kind of attention and haven't gotten particularly worked up over
the subject since then, I haven't worn it since. Now I dread going to the
BORG because they might get me mad enough to wear it in the store......