Women's Rights in Islam
"And for women are rights over men, similar to those of men over women."Qur=
'an 2:228Women in Islam are thought to be subjugated, degraded, oppressed -=
but are they really? Are millions of Muslims simply that oppressive or are=
these misconceptions fabricated by a biased media?
Over fourteen hundred years ago, Islam gave women rights that women in the =
West have only recently began to enjoy. In the 1930's, Annie Besant observe=
d, "It is only in the last twenty years that Christian England has recognis=
ed the right of woman to property, while Islam has allowed this right from =
all times. It is a slander to say that Islam preaches that women have no so=
uls." (The Life and Teachings of Mohammed, 1932).
Men and women all descended from a single person - the Prophet Adam (peace =
be upon him). Islam does not accept for either of them anything but justice=
and kind treatment.
Equal Reward & Equal Accountability
Men and women worship Allah in the same way, meaning they worship the same =
God (Allah), perform the same acts of worship, follow the same scripture, a=
nd hold the same beliefs. Allah (the Arabic word for the One true God of al=
l creation), judges all human beings fairly and equitably. Allah emphasises=
the just treatment and reward due to both men and women in many verses of =
the Qur'an:
"Allah has promised to the believers, men and women, gardens under which ri=
vers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasti=
ng bliss."Qur'an 9:72
"Never will I allow the loss of the work of any worker amongst you, male or=
female; you are of one another."Qur'an 3:195
These verses show that reward is dependent upon one's actions and not one's=
gender. Gender does not play any part in how a person is rewarded and judg=
If we compare Islam to other religions, we see that it offers justice betwe=
en the sexes. For example, Islam dismisses the idea that Eve is more to bla=
me than Adam for eating from the forbidden tree. According to Islam, Adam a=
nd Eve both sinned, they both repented and God forgave them both.
Equal Right to Knowledge
Both men and women are equally encouraged to seek knowledge. The Prophet (p=
eace be upon him) said, "Education is compulsory for every Muslim."
Also, great female Muslim Scholars existed at and around the time of the Pr=
ophet (peace be upon him). Some were from his family and others were his co=
mpanions or their daughters. Prominent amongst them was Aisha, the wife of =
the Prophet (peace be upon him) through whom a quarter of the Islamic law h=
as been transmitted.
Other females were great scholars of jurisprudence and had famous male scho=
lars as their students.
Equal Right to Choose a Spouse
Islam has honoured women by giving them the right to choose a spouse and ke=
ep their original family name once married. Additionally, many have the imp=
ression that parents force their daughters into marriage. This is a cultura=
l practice, and has no basis in Islam. In fact, it is prohibited.
At the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), a woman came to him an=
d said, "My father has married me to my cousin to raise his social standing=
and I was forced into it." The Prophet sent for the girl's father and then=
in his presence gave the girl the option of remaining married or nullifyin=
g the marriage. She responded, "O Messenger of Allah, I have accepted what =
my father did, but I wanted to show other women (that they could not be for=
ced into a marriage)."
Equal yet Different
While men and women have equal rights as a general principle, the specific =
rights and responsibilities granted to them are not identical. Men and wome=
n have complementary rights and responsibilities.
Aside from external and internal anatomical differences, scientists know th=
ere are many other subtle differences in the way the brains of men and wome=
n process language, information and emotion, just to mention a few.
A socio-biology expert, Edward O. Wilson of Harvard University, said that f=
emales tend to be higher than males in verbal skills, empathy and social sk=
ills, among other things, while men tend to be higher in independence, domi=
nance, spatial and mathematical skills, rank-related aggression, and other =
It would be foolish to treat both genders the same and to ignore their diff=
erences. Islam teaches that men and women have complementary, yet different=
, roles because it is best suited to their nature. God says:
"And the male is not like the female."Qur'an 3:36
"Does not the One who created, know? And He is the Most Kind, the All Aware=
."Qur'an 67:14
The Family Unit
God created men and women to be different, with unique roles, skills and re=
sponsibilities. These differences are not viewed as evidences of superiorit=
y or inferiority, but of specialisation. In Islam, the family is of central=
importance. The man is responsible for the financial well being of the fam=
ily while the woman contributes to the family's physical, educational and e=
motional well being. This encourages cooperation rather than competition. B=
y fulfilling their mutual responsibilities, strong families are created and=
hence strong societies.
Also, emotionally, neither men nor women live a happy life without one anot=
her. Allah describes this beautifully by saying:
"They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them."Qur'an 2:187
Clothing provides comfort, warmth and security as well as making one look g=
ood - this is how the relationship between the husband and wife is defined =
in Islam.
Love & Mercy in Spousal Relations
The Prophet (peace be upon him) also encouraged men to treat their spouses =
in the best way, "The best of you are those who are best (in treatment) to =
their wives."
"And among His signs is that He created or you wives amongst yourselves tha=
t you may dwell in tranquillity with them; and He has put love and mercy be=
tween your (hearts). Surely in this are Signs for people who reflect."Qur'a=
n 30:21
Aisha (the Prophet's wife) was once asked how the Prophet's conduct was in =
his home. She said,"He was like one of you at home, yet he was most lenient=
and most generous ... He was ready to give a helping hand to his wives in =
the ordinary work of the house, [he] sewed his own clothes and mended his o=
wn shoes." In general, he helped in whatever work his wives did.
Lofty Positions of Mothers & Daughters
A mother has the greatest influence on a child especially in the earlier ye=
ars through her affection, care and love. Undoubtedly, the success of a soc=
iety is due to mothers. Therefore, it is only right for Islam to honour and=
raise their status.
Allah says in the Qur'an:
"And we have enjoined on man to be dutiful and kind to his Parents, His mot=
her bears him with hardship and she brings him forth with hardship."Qur'an =
The Prophet (peace be upon him) was once asked, "O Messenger of Allah, who =
among people is most deserving of my good treatment?" He said, "Your mother=
." The man asked twice more, "Then who?" and was given the same response. O=
nly until the fourth time did the Prophet respond, "Then your father." Rewa=
rd is not only given to the good and kind treatment towards mothers. In fac=
t, Islam has designated a special reward for raising daughters that is not =
granted for raising sons.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever Allah has given two=
daughters and is kind towards them, they will be a reason for him entering=
Before Islam, women were considered shameful, female children were buried a=
live, prostitution was rampant, divorce was only in the hands of the husban=
d, inheritance was only for the strong, and oppression was widespread. Isla=
m came and abolished these practices. Even now, in "developed countries", w=
omen are not granted respect, dignity and honour, let alone equal pay for e=
qual work. Islam, however, regards women as precious and valuable, not to b=
e disrespected or disgraced. The mistreatment of women in some Middle-Easte=
rn countries or Muslim families is due to cultural factors that some Muslim=
s wrongly follow, not because of Islam. Why would many women around the wor=
ld willingly enter Islam if it is an oppressive religion?
We end with the words of our Lord and your Lord, the Creator and Sustainer =
of all men and women:
"Surely the men who submit and the women who submit, and the believing men =
and the believing women, and the obedient men and the obedient women, and t=
he truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient=
women, and the humble men and the humble women... Allah has prepared for t=
hem forgiveness and a great reward."Qur'an 33:35
Thank you