"Mike P"

19/08/2004 4:53 PM

Best was to sell Table Saw?

Hey all,

What's a good way to sell a table saw? My wife gave me the green light to
buy a new cabinet saw, so I want to sell my contractor saw. I just don't
know if an ad in the paper will be effective.

Any ideas appreciated...

This topic has 16 replies


"Pounds on Wood"

in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

19/08/2004 7:39 PM

I have sold two table saws, a radial arm saw, and a portable planer all by
placing ads in our local newspaper. Have bought a lot of stuff the same
way. I have posted some of the stuff here, but it's a long shot unless you
want to ship. If you are willing to ship, Ebay is probably your best bet.
But not worth the hassle to me to ship large items. Another good way is to
contact woodworking clubs in your wide area. They often have newbies
looking to outfit a shop and will usually place an ad in their newsletter
for free.

Whatever way you choose, setting a _reasonable_ price will git'r'done.

Bill Pounds

"Mike P" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey all,
> What's a good way to sell a table saw? My wife gave me the green light to
> buy a new cabinet saw, so I want to sell my contractor saw. I just don't
> know if an ad in the paper will be effective.
> Any ideas appreciated...


Dave Balderstone

in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

19/08/2004 8:43 PM

In article <[email protected]>, Mike P
<[email protected]> wrote:

> Hey all,
> What's a good way to sell a table saw? My wife gave me the green light to
> buy a new cabinet saw, so I want to sell my contractor saw. I just don't
> know if an ad in the paper will be effective.

I work for a newspaper. If classified ads didn't work, they wouldn't

Lots of daily papers have "guaranteed to sell" deals. Ask when you


in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

21/08/2004 2:15 PM

Mike P writes:

>Hey all,
>What's a good way to sell a table saw? My wife gave me the green light to
>buy a new cabinet saw, so I want to sell my contractor saw. I just don't
>know if an ad in the paper will be effective.
>Any ideas appreciated..., if you're located in an area where they've got a local chapter.



"Paul in MN"

in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

20/08/2004 12:26 AM

I would think that a want ad would likely sell your saw quickly. That is
what I plan to do with mine when SWMBO gives me the go ahead on a cabinet
saw. I have called a few ads in the paper for equipment (band saw, jointer)
and they are usually gone by the time I call.


"Mike P" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey all,
> What's a good way to sell a table saw? My wife gave me the green light to
> buy a new cabinet saw, so I want to sell my contractor saw. I just don't
> know if an ad in the paper will be effective.
> Any ideas appreciated...


[email protected] (mrmortise)

in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

19/08/2004 10:40 PM

I just sold my Sears Craftsman in a few days using Craig's list. Cost
nothing and you can include photos. Worked like a charm!


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

20/08/2004 1:55 AM

"Mike P" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey all,
> What's a good way to sell a table saw? My wife gave me the green light to
> buy a new cabinet saw, so I want to sell my contractor saw. I just don't
> know if an ad in the paper will be effective.
> Any ideas appreciated...

Many town have local shoppers papers that list items for free or very cheap.
Bulletin board at work? Interested relative? Donate it?

You could make mention of it here as there are always people reading this NG
looking for tools.



in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

20/08/2004 1:28 AM

Just put FS: in the subject line then tell where you are located, all about
the TS and asking price.

I listed mine here (Delta CS 34-444Z) over two years ago and sold it within
2 days of the post.

Bob S.

"Mike P" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey all,
> What's a good way to sell a table saw? My wife gave me the green light to
> buy a new cabinet saw, so I want to sell my contractor saw. I just don't
> know if an ad in the paper will be effective.
> Any ideas appreciated...



in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

20/08/2004 1:44 PM

You didn't mention brand, model, age.

I recently sold my 70's vintage Craftsman, and I was up front telling folks
it would need a motor. I sold it from a local PenneyPower ad (freebe, 10
words or less) to a finish carpenter that had a motor. Saw, without motor
sold for $50. With a good motor this older machine would have sold in the
$75 to 100 range in our local market.

I constantly see newer Craftsman and Deltas in the $125 - 250 range. Won't
buy a cabinet saw but it will make a good down payment.


"David Liles"

in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

20/08/2004 3:37 AM

Sell it to me! lol
You should sell it on here, there are probably some people (like me) who
would buy it!

Where are you located?

"Mike P" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey all,
> What's a good way to sell a table saw? My wife gave me the green light to
> buy a new cabinet saw, so I want to sell my contractor saw. I just don't
> know if an ad in the paper will be effective.
> Any ideas appreciated...


Patrick Fitzgerald

in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

20/08/2004 3:02 AM

"Mike P" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> What's a good way to sell a table saw?

When I wanted to sell a chipper-shredder, I discovered that a
newspaper ad would be outrageously expensive for the $300 I expected to
get, so I decided to try an ad on eBay. I specified pick-up-only and
mentioned my zip code in the ad to give potential buyers an idea of where I

Within an *hour*, I had a buyer (who used the eBay "Buy It Now" button).
That weekend he showed up with a truck and $330.

YMMV, I live in Atlanta so my base of buyers might be larger than average.

Patrick Fitzgerald



in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

20/08/2004 12:13 AM

I would go with GARAGE SALE. TS.

Or, have you checked to see if you can trade the old one in?

"Mike P" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey all,
> What's a good way to sell a table saw? My wife gave me the green light to
> buy a new cabinet saw, so I want to sell my contractor saw. I just don't
> know if an ad in the paper will be effective.
> Any ideas appreciated...



in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

19/08/2004 5:26 PM

Why not just list it here?

ike P" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey all,
> What's a good way to sell a table saw? My wife gave me the green light to
> buy a new cabinet saw, so I want to sell my contractor saw. I just don't
> know if an ad in the paper will be effective.
> Any ideas appreciated...


"Rich B"

in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

20/08/2004 1:22 PM

Sold my table saw on ebay last month after upgrading to a cabinet saw.

Specified "I WILL NOT SHIP" and "saw must be picked up at my house by the
winning bidder".

Winning bidder was in PA, and he gladly drove 2+ hours to my house to pick
it up.

The TS sold for about $40 more than I had paid for it (used).

"Mike P" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey all,
> What's a good way to sell a table saw? My wife gave me the green light to
> buy a new cabinet saw, so I want to sell my contractor saw. I just don't
> know if an ad in the paper will be effective.
> Any ideas appreciated...


Bill Rogers

in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

19/08/2004 11:16 PM

On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 16:53:56 -0700, "Mike P" <[email protected]>

>Hey all,
>What's a good way to sell a table saw? My wife gave me the green light to
>buy a new cabinet saw, so I want to sell my contractor saw. I just don't
>know if an ad in the paper will be effective.

Why don't you try, then let us know? I've sold numerous items that
way. What makes a table saw so unique? We have a free advertising
paper hereabouts with a wide circulation [supported by business
advertising.] An ad costs nothing. Ads *and* paper are free to the
public. Barring that, there's nothing wrong with spending a couple of



Dan Valleskey

in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

19/08/2004 10:02 PM

got craigslist in your town yet?

-Dan V.

On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 16:53:56 -0700, "Mike P" <[email protected]>

>Hey all,
>What's a good way to sell a table saw? My wife gave me the green light to
>buy a new cabinet saw, so I want to sell my contractor saw. I just don't
>know if an ad in the paper will be effective.
>Any ideas appreciated...


Roy Smith

in reply to "Mike P" on 19/08/2004 4:53 PM

19/08/2004 9:55 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
"Mike P" <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hey all,
> What's a good way to sell a table saw? My wife gave me the green light to
> buy a new cabinet saw, so I want to sell my contractor saw. I just don't
> know if an ad in the paper will be effective.
> Any ideas appreciated...

When I upgraded from my Ryobi BT-3000 to a Unisaw, I gave the Ryobi to a
friend in exchange for an afternoon's work getting the new one down into
my basement and assembling it.

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