I am looking for info on the Yerkes & Finan Wood Working Machine Co. of St.
Louis. They were somehow related to the Hall & Brown Wood Working Machine
Co., also of St. Louis, but their history is unclear. I'm a regular
contributor to the Old WoodWorking Machines site, so I'm aware of the info
available there.
I own machines made by both Y&F and H&B and would be interested in info on
either. I'm particularly interested in literature; catalogs, brochures,
letters, etc. Thank you for your time.
Vinton, IA
replying to Mike Burian, Keith Wilson wrote:
I own a Yerkes & Finan 12" planner, vintage around 1900. I never got around to
rebuilding like i wanted to. Can be seen in Parkersburg IA.
for full context, visit https://www.homeownershub.com/woodworking/seeking-info-on-yerkes-finan-wood-working-machine-co-284013-.htm