I have a flintlock pistol with a 9" hexagonal barrel. The side of the
barrel channel in the stock was cracked in shipment, probably because the
barrel was not in the stock.
The gun is from a CVA kit, and the wood is probably beech.
What would be the best glue to use to repair this stock?
I have some Elmer's Carpenter's Wood Glue Interior.
Would epoxy be better? If so, what brand and speed (working time)?
--- Joe
"Joe" wrote:
>I have a flintlock pistol with a 9" hexagonal barrel. The side of
> barrel channel in the stock was cracked in shipment, probably
> because the
> barrel was not in the stock.
> The gun is from a CVA kit, and the wood is probably beech.
> What would be the best glue to use to repair this stock?
> I have some Elmer's Carpenter's Wood Glue Interior.
> Would epoxy be better? If so, what brand and speed (working time)?
Take a look at the URL below.
It covers T-88 from System 3.
Joe wrote:
> I have a flintlock pistol with a 9" hexagonal barrel. The side of the
> barrel channel in the stock was cracked in shipment, probably because the
> barrel was not in the stock.
> The gun is from a CVA kit, and the wood is probably beech.
> What would be the best glue to use to repair this stock?
> I have some Elmer's Carpenter's Wood Glue Interior.
> Would epoxy be better? If so, what brand and speed (working time)?
> Thanks.
> --- Joe
I'd try giving CVA a call and see if I could order a new stock.
Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
[email protected]
Return it for replacement if you can, epoxy it if you can't. The side of the channel isn't a stress
area, unless you plan to throw it, so use any decent brand of 5 minute epoxy. Once you start down
the slippery slope of muzzle loaders, you'll eventually end up at a rendezvous, which will result in
a torrential downpour making you glad you used a waterproof glue.
Have you spark tested the lock yet? Throwing it might become an option. BTDT, had a shirt but used
it for patching. Try a knapped black flint wrapped in lead in the cock, put a wedge in the corner
of the mainspring to increase tension, and lastly recase the frizzen if the first two things don't
work. Those are the easy (cheap) fixes.
On Wed, 23 Sep 2009 23:52:06 -0700, [email protected] (Joe) wrote:
>I have a flintlock pistol with a 9" hexagonal barrel. The side of the
>barrel channel in the stock was cracked in shipment, probably because the
>barrel was not in the stock.
>The gun is from a CVA kit, and the wood is probably beech.
>What would be the best glue to use to repair this stock?
>I have some Elmer's Carpenter's Wood Glue Interior.
>Would epoxy be better? If so, what brand and speed (working time)?
>--- Joe