

12/11/2004 9:42 PM

Review of online lumber buy

I've been meaning to do this for some time now, but the road to Harbor
Fright is paved with ...

I had occasion to order 100 bf of rift sawn oak from Hartzell Wood Stock
(http://www.hartzellwoodstock.bigstep.com/) of Lime River, Iowa. I
know, I had never heard of it either but their town is bigger than mine
is. I corresponded with Jana via email and talked with Jim on the
phone. Nice folks to do business with. Lumber ordered with a virtual
handshake and delivered a bit late due to the trucking company's
computer centered being flooded out in one of those pesky hurricanes.

The lumber was as advertised, 4/4 in varying widths from 4 to 8 inches
and lengths to 10 feet. The quality is excellent. If you value price
and service, here's a good place.

Put up a few pictures of Christmas gifts featuring the oak on abpw.
Will start on a modular computer desk and soon as I get the design out
of my head and on to paper.


p.s. Usual disclaimer about me not being affiliated etc....

This topic has 2 replies



in reply to jo4hn on 12/11/2004 9:42 PM

13/11/2004 3:53 PM

Layne wrote:

> Hi John,
> I'm on their mailing list and have been meaning to order some lumber
> from them. Where are you located and how much was shipping to your
> area?
> I always try to do business with the smaller, more personable mom &
> pop stores when I can, whatever the purchase. Sometimes they're just
> one mom or one pop running the store.
> Layne
> On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 21:42:02 GMT, jo4hn <[email protected]> wrote:

I live in a tiny mountain community in Southern California and the
shipping here was about $2 per bf. Ugly but worth it. Your shipping
will be much less assuming you don't live in boondockville too. Email
them, Jana responds pretty quickly.


Layne <>

in reply to jo4hn on 12/11/2004 9:42 PM

12/11/2004 10:52 PM

Hi John,

I'm on their mailing list and have been meaning to order some lumber
from them. Where are you located and how much was shipping to your

I always try to do business with the smaller, more personable mom &
pop stores when I can, whatever the purchase. Sometimes they're just
one mom or one pop running the store.


On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 21:42:02 GMT, jo4hn <[email protected]> wrote:

>I've been meaning to do this for some time now, but the road to Harbor
>Fright is paved with ...
>I had occasion to order 100 bf of rift sawn oak from Hartzell Wood Stock
>(http://www.hartzellwoodstock.bigstep.com/) of Lime River, Iowa. I
>know, I had never heard of it either but their town is bigger than mine
>is. I corresponded with Jana via email and talked with Jim on the
>phone. Nice folks to do business with. Lumber ordered with a virtual
>handshake and delivered a bit late due to the trucking company's
>computer centered being flooded out in one of those pesky hurricanes.
>The lumber was as advertised, 4/4 in varying widths from 4 to 8 inches
>and lengths to 10 feet. The quality is excellent. If you value price
>and service, here's a good place.
>Put up a few pictures of Christmas gifts featuring the oak on abpw.
>Will start on a modular computer desk and soon as I get the design out
>of my head and on to paper.
> mahalo,
> jo4hn
>p.s. Usual disclaimer about me not being affiliated etc....

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