"Grant" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<z34uc.8752$oi5.6236@fed1read07>...
> Ok, may I should look into a thickness sander from the repies I got here.
> Any recommendations. Peices will not be that wide. Thanks!
Thinking outside of the box a bit:
Instead of moving the work through the machine, move the machine over
the work. You could make a set of rails about 60" long, install a bed
inside that would allow you to tilt it in any of the 4 directions
(left, right, up and down) and move the sanding drum over the top of
the material.
There is an outfit in canada which sells the drums, pillow blocks, etc
to make your own. Some 6' 3/4" steel threaded rod could be used to
keep the machine aligned left to right as it travels along the rail.