11/07/2006 4:15 PM

Router Table Update

A bit back I posted on modifying my router table, and making drop-in
router bases.

Well, I'm up to three bases, and working on a fourth. Last night
their worth was definitely proved.

Using a new router bit, less than 10 minutes on it, and the bearing
came off. Fortunately, it didn't ruin the router base I was making, or
the one I was using as a master. Set them aside, and turned the router

Pulled the base out, with router. Very easy to get to the collet and
loosen it to remove the bit. New bit in, adjust it, tighten it. Drop
it all back in place. Took approximately 3-4 minutes, including the
time it took to cut the new bit out of its plastic box.

The new bit I was using was supposedly carbide tipped. Now I'm not
sure where I got it, but suspect it was an el-cheapo I got off of eBay
to try out. Nevermore, nevermore. Looking at it closely, it would
appear to be HSS rather than carbide tipped. No indication at all why
the bearing came off. Lesson learned.

Politician \Pol`i*ti"cian\, n. Latin for career criminal