When I was living in Alaska, the US Army had a deal whereby you could
rent time in the wood shop they kept for the soldiers. Has anyone heard
of something like that down here? I am looking for a place I can bring
my wood and have space to work. Unfortunatly I don't have space in my
possesion to convert to shop use. Any ideas?
The place in Everett is the Puget Sound Woodworking Center. You can
check them out at http://www.pswc.net/. I don't know if they're still
in business, but they were doing some heavy promotions at the Seattle
woodworking show a couple of years ago.
Hitch wrote:
> default wrote:
>> When I was living in Alaska, the US Army had a deal whereby you could
>> rent time in the wood shop they kept for the soldiers. Has anyone heard
>> of something like that down here? I am looking for a place I can bring
>> my wood and have space to work. Unfortunatly I don't have space in my
>> possesion to convert to shop use. Any ideas?
>> Simon
> There was a place in Everett, Washington that had a shop you could rent
> time in. I believe you had to be a member, with commensurate dues. If
> you need some specialized equipment it could be worth it. I took a
> class at my local high school mainly to get access to their 12" jointer
> and 36" thickness sander.
>When I was living in Alaska, the US Army had a deal whereby you could rent
time in the wood shop they kept for the soldiers. Has anyone heard of something
like that down here? I am looking for a place I can bring my wood and have
space to work. Unfortunatly I don't have space in my possesion to convert to
shop use. Any ideas?<
I remember the same thing when I was stationed in Fairbanks. It was great.
The same went for a garage to work on your car.
In Everett, Washington they have a large shop fully stocked with tools that you
can rent space and buy lumber to work on any size project you want. Hopefully
there's something similar in your neck of the woods.
Join the Army.......?
"default" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> When I was living in Alaska, the US Army had a deal whereby you could
> rent time in the wood shop they kept for the soldiers. Has anyone heard
> of something like that down here? I am looking for a place I can bring
> my wood and have space to work. Unfortunatly I don't have space in my
> possesion to convert to shop use. Any ideas?
> Simon
Dear Simon,
> When I was living in Alaska, the US Army had a deal whereby you could
> rent time in the wood shop they kept for the soldiers. Has anyone heard
> of something like that down here? I am looking for a place I can bring
> my wood and have space to work. Unfortunatly I don't have space in my
> possesion to convert to shop use. Any ideas?
Where is "Down Here"?
Every neighbourhood has one, in mine, I'm him.
Remove the "splinter" from my email address to email me.
Newbies, please read this newsgroups FAQ.
rec.ww FAQ http://www.robson.org/woodfaq/
Archives http://groups.google.com/advanced_group_search
Crowbar FAQ http://www.klownhammer.org/crowbar
default wrote:
> my wood and have space to work. Unfortunatly I don't have space in my
> possesion to convert to shop use. Any ideas?
You got a kitchen dontcha? I worked out of my kitchen for a long time
before I had anything you could call a shop. Of course back then I was
limited to small, relatively tidy projects, and I didn't have any
Michael McIntyre ---- Silvan <[email protected]>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek; registered Linux user #243621
default wrote:
> When I was living in Alaska, the US Army had a deal whereby you could
> rent time in the wood shop they kept for the soldiers. Has anyone heard
> of something like that down here? I am looking for a place I can bring
> my wood and have space to work. Unfortunatly I don't have space in my
> possesion to convert to shop use. Any ideas?
> Simon
There was a place in Everett, Washington that had a shop you could rent
time in. I believe you had to be a member, with commensurate dues. If
you need some specialized equipment it could be worth it. I took a
class at my local high school mainly to get access to their 12" jointer
and 36" thickness sander.
-Remove the NOSPAM from my address and you've got SPAM!-
On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 06:36:33 -0600, default <[email protected]> wrote:
> When I was living in Alaska, the US Army had a deal whereby you could
>rent time in the wood shop they kept for the soldiers. Has anyone heard
>of something like that down here? I am looking for a place I can bring
>my wood and have space to work. Unfortunatly I don't have space in my
>possesion to convert to shop use. Any ideas?
Check locally and online for:
- Adult Education Open Shop times
- Woodworking clubs
- Woodworking schools
When _you_ do it, insert your state, province, or country abbreviation
into the search. ex:// (adult education "open shop" TX)
Have fun,
default wrote:
> of something like that down here? I am looking for a place I can bring
> my wood and have space to work.
This is difficult. I finally found some space after a year of looking.
Whaty makes this difficult is liability insurance ( are you surpriseed?)
Woodcraft has another franchise called woodworkers club there are 4 of
them in the country. The one in Norwalk CT charges $200 membership + $45
month to use the shop. You might be able to work something out with the
Woodcraft stores as most of them have shop space for classes. But you
will have limited storage space for wood and glue ups.
There are of course places where you can takes classes and get some shop
time but I think you'll find it limited, hard to come and go as you
please. I'm taking a class now and there is a 3 hour a weekopen lab on
thursdays from 6 - 9 when I can work on what I want. But again..storage.
I finally found a place by getting off the internet and going around to
cabinet makers shops and found a guy, he had a 5 X 8 card on his door,
that he had part time bench space for rent. For $200 month I can use the
shop and equipment mostly evenings and wekends when they dont' have big
projects. I have access to table saw, panel saw, badn saw, jointer,
planer. I built my onw bench on casters so it can be pushed out of the
way whenthey need the floor space.