Made a very nice box joint jig with micro-adjustment feature. Very nice.
Using this on a router table with a PC895 router and 1/2" straight cut bit.
Taking about 1/8" - 1/4" off with each pass. Stock is 1/2" oak plywood for
drawer sides and backs.
Problem - Even with a backer board, I am getting a lot of tearout on almost
every cut. Is it the stock, the bit, the router speed, what? The bit is
almost brand new, speed is roughly16K rpm.
These drawers are for the router table itself, so they do not have to be
perfect. But shop equipment projects are my "live and learn" pieces before I
try something real for the house.
Thanks for all input!
"Chris Carruth" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Gang-
> Made a very nice box joint jig with micro-adjustment feature. Very nice.
> Using this on a router table with a PC895 router and 1/2" straight cut
> Taking about 1/8" - 1/4" off with each pass. Stock is 1/2" oak plywood for
> drawer sides and backs.
> Problem - Even with a backer board, I am getting a lot of tearout on
> every cut. Is it the stock, the bit, the router speed, what? The bit is
> almost brand new, speed is roughly16K rpm.
Cutting straight into the side of a board with a straight bit can cause tear
out on both the front and back side of the cut. Is all the tear out on one
side of the board? If you find it on both sides you may want to try a
backer on both sides of the board. Also, it sounds like your almost brand
new bit may not be sharp any longer or your feed rate may not be slow
With than in mind, I use a spiral bit for cutting box joints with my router
and have no tear out to speak of.