I've got an LT16, 1.5 HP motor with the old style euro guides on it.
Ive had this saw for about 10 years..doing mostly scroll work with an
1/8th blade.
Well, times change, I have found need to resaw a pile of cypress boards
6" wide, 1" thick . I set a high fence up, got everything squared and
true.....went to saw the 1st board..........got into it about
1'..........and the motor started bogging down badly. I'm using a 3 TPI
blade specifically for resaw
work.......and.........well..............cypress just isnt that hard a
Anyone else have the same problem, any ideas? I'm just dissapointed
after reading how excellant Lagunas were for resawing.
I thought at 1st it was the size of the motor, but have read recent
threads on here about folks resawing hardwoods succesfully with 1.5 HP
grizzlys and other saws .
Look forward to hearing any ideas on this
In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] says...
> Anyone else have the same problem, any ideas? I'm just dissapointed
> after reading how excellant Lagunas were for resawing.
Idea: Have you set up a straight fence? Because, if you have, that is likely
the problem: the sawblade has a slightly different direction in mind, tries to
saw at an angle away from the fence and so you're achieving a taper/wedge that
binds the blade.
If that is the case, set up a bullnose or triangular fence where the closest
point is at the same 'height' as the cutting edge of the blade (reference, from
the direction of feed) and adjust your feed-in angle so the blade stays on the
mark at the top of the board you're resawing.
My experience:
I've had the problem you describe occurring when just pushing a 3/4" board
through, up against a straight fence. Took the fence away and freehanded it,
and it cut like a hot knife through warm butter.
h.t.h., -Peter
firstname dot lastname at gmail fullstop com
"steve" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I've got an LT16, 1.5 HP motor with the old style euro guides on it.
> Ive had this saw for about 10 years..doing mostly scroll work with an
> 1/8th blade.
> Well, times change, I have found need to resaw a pile of cypress boards
> 6" wide, 1" thick . I set a high fence up, got everything squared and
> true.....went to saw the 1st board..........got into it about
> 1'..........and the motor started bogging down badly. I'm using a 3 TPI
> blade specifically for resaw
> work.......and.........well..............cypress just isnt that hard a
> wood...
> Anyone else have the same problem, any ideas? I'm just dissapointed
> after reading how excellant Lagunas were for resawing.
> I thought at 1st it was the size of the motor, but have read recent
> threads on here about folks resawing hardwoods succesfully with 1.5 HP
> grizzlys and other saws .
> Look forward to hearing any ideas on this
> Steve
I have a Laguna LT16HD with 4.5 hp. Have you tightened the belt? I
apparently had not properly adjusted the belt when I assembled it and the
saw did the same thing. 3PTI is about the most you want to be using for
resawing a board that wide. Laguna threw in a blade that has 1.3 TPI. I
suspect they intended for that blade to be used for resawing.