"J & D"

12/11/2004 2:15 PM

Dollhouse looking for plans

I'm looking for plans to build a doll house (Barbie size) for my daughter
for christmas... can anyone leed me in the direstion where to fin them ...

Thanks Dave


This topic has 1 replies



in reply to "J & D" on 12/11/2004 2:15 PM

12/11/2004 2:35 PM

Barbie's are kind of tall. Get yourself a pottery barn catalog (Maybe
pottery barn kids?). They have a Dollhouse / bookcase for sale. I used the
picture as my plan. I made some aesthetic improvements and built it for
about 1/3 the price.
Mine has a wood shingle roof (buy the shingles, I gave up after trying to
make about 1000 of them) Used hot glue to install them. Mine has "divided
light" windows (no glass of course). And a railing. Made from poplar,
painted. Used router to make dados where the sides connect to the shelves.
Rabeat for 1/4" ply back. Mine has a first floor, second floor and attic. I
used a Barbie to measure for proper floor to ceiling height.

Here are a few links to give you ideas
(Watch out for long URL wrap)

"J & D" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I'm looking for plans to build a doll house (Barbie size) for my daughter
> for christmas... can anyone leed me in the direstion where to fin them ...
> Thanks Dave
> djgriggs@(NOSPAM)nbnet.nb.ca

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