

23/03/2005 10:38 AM

TS Final Desicion

Everyone has been very helpful as always. I love this group because
you get info from people who use the tools you are looking at.

I've narrowed it down to 3 saws:

Delta 36-682XL
(Biesmeyer 52" Commerical Fence, 1.5 HP, Cast Iron Wing)

Delta 36-480(Biesmeyer 52" Home Shop Fence, 2 HP, Stamped Steel Wing)

General 50-185L-M1 (Biesmeyer 52" Clone Fence, 2 HP, Cast Iron Wing)
$729 + Shipping???

Right now I'm waiting to hear on the shipping for the General. That
will way heavily on my decision.

Anyone have anything additional to add?


This topic has 7 replies



in reply to "Woodchuck34" on 23/03/2005 10:38 AM

23/03/2005 10:43 AM

Forgot to mention. I was pleasantly surprised that my local Woodcraft
beat 1 of the best internet prices I could find by $50, and was only
beaten by $50 from another. For $50 I'd much rather give my business
to the local guy. This was in response to an earlier email I posted
regarding retail vs. internet sales.

Thank again.




in reply to "Woodchuck34" on 23/03/2005 10:38 AM

23/03/2005 6:33 PM

> Is that a price from a US or CA dealer? I found my 350 at a CA
dealer that
> wasn't that much more to ship and the low CA dollar at the time made
it an
> outstanding deal.

That price was from the US. I waited, but finally decide to hear from
the company, but finally decided just to order the 36-682XL from the
local Woodcraft. The price would be real close after shipping and
getting the commercial Biesmeyer fence kind of sealed the deal. I'm
pretty sure the 1.5 HP will still be enough for me. Most of my cuts
are on 4/4 stock, but I ocasionally was riping 9/4 and that was on my

Thanks for all the input.



Duane Bozarth

in reply to "Woodchuck34" on 23/03/2005 10:38 AM

23/03/2005 1:09 PM

Woodchuck34 wrote:
> Everyone has been very helpful as always. I love this group because
> you get info from people who use the tools you are looking at.
> I've narrowed it down to 3 saws:
> Delta 36-682XL
> (Biesmeyer 52" Commerical Fence, 1.5 HP, Cast Iron Wing)
> $953.98
> Delta 36-480(Biesmeyer 52" Home Shop Fence, 2 HP, Stamped Steel Wing)
> $1,006.98

Personally I'd go w/ the cast iron wing over the stamped steel, but is
shame to lose the horsepower...

> General 50-185L-M1 (Biesmeyer 52" Clone Fence, 2 HP, Cast Iron Wing)
> $729 + Shipping???
> Right now I'm waiting to hear on the shipping for the General. That
> will way heavily on my decision.

I've always been tempted by "the General" but haven't ever had the
opportunity to actually have hands-on so haven't ever bit...I know there
are those who swear by them.


"Weekend wood bog"

in reply to "Woodchuck34" on 23/03/2005 10:38 AM

23/03/2005 6:14 PM

"Woodchuck34" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> General 50-185L-M1 (Biesmeyer 52" Clone Fence, 2 HP, Cast Iron Wing)
> $729 + Shipping???

Is that a price from a US or CA dealer? I found my 350 at a CA dealer that
wasn't that much more to ship and the low CA dollar at the time made it an
outstanding deal.

> Right now I'm waiting to hear on the shipping for the General. That
> will way heavily on my decision.
> Anyone have anything additional to add?
> Chuck



in reply to "Woodchuck34" on 23/03/2005 10:38 AM

23/03/2005 11:26 PM

My perspnal choice of the is the General 50-185. It's a good buy for
the money and an excellent contractor's saw.

On 23 Mar 2005 10:38:51 -0800, "Woodchuck34" <[email protected]>

>Everyone has been very helpful as always. I love this group because
>you get info from people who use the tools you are looking at.
>I've narrowed it down to 3 saws:
>Delta 36-682XL
>(Biesmeyer 52" Commerical Fence, 1.5 HP, Cast Iron Wing)
>Delta 36-480(Biesmeyer 52" Home Shop Fence, 2 HP, Stamped Steel Wing)
>General 50-185L-M1 (Biesmeyer 52" Clone Fence, 2 HP, Cast Iron Wing)
>$729 + Shipping???
>Right now I'm waiting to hear on the shipping for the General. That
>will way heavily on my decision.
>Anyone have anything additional to add?


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to "Woodchuck34" on 23/03/2005 10:38 AM

23/03/2005 9:32 PM

"Woodchuck34" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> Delta 36-682XL
> (Biesmeyer 52" Commerical Fence, 1.5 HP, Cast Iron Wing)
> $953.98
> Delta 36-480(Biesmeyer 52" Home Shop Fence, 2 HP, Stamped Steel Wing)
> $1,006.98

If you are going to run it on 220, the 2 HP is good. if you are going to run
it on 120, you only get the 1.5 hp. I'd consder the 479 over the 480 to get
the better fence. You can upgrade to a cast wing later.

> General 50-185L-M1 (Biesmeyer 52" Clone Fence, 2 HP, Cast Iron Wing)
> $729 + Shipping???

I had only a very brief look at this saw. While the saw itself was very
impressive, the clone fence was not. IMO, it was a cheap imitation.
Compared to the low end fences on cheaper models from Delta, Craftsman, etc,
it was a good fence. Compared to a dommercial Beis, it was just not as good.
Still a good value for the money.

> Anyone have anything additional to add?

Flip a coin? I think any of these saws is a good choice. Comes down to
person preference.


"R. Barker"

in reply to "Woodchuck34" on 23/03/2005 10:38 AM

27/03/2005 9:59 AM

> General 50-185L-M1 (Biesmeyer 52" Clone Fence, 2 HP, Cast Iron Wing)
> $729 + Shipping???

I'm looking at this saw myself right now. I'm lucky enough to have a dealer
not too far away who has it for $699. I don't know if you've seen it in
person or not but it looks like quite a bit of saw for the money.

Good luck with whatever you chose!

Bob B.

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