
05/05/2006 11:28 AM

Trauma Survivors - You don't have to go it alone any more

Almost to a person, those who have suffered serious physical trauma,
whether by car accident, work related trauma injury, shooting and
stabbing victims and other major trauma injuries have had few if any
resources for their recovery other than professional help - the help
that comes with a price tag. Some of the smallest demographics out
there with respect to health problems have had local and national
networks out there for years, especially thanks to the internet, yet
trauma survivors have had absolutely nothing, with a handful of
exceptions on the local level.

That is about to change. TraumaSupport.org has taken the lead in being
the only national resource for trauma survivors. It's a gap that has
existed way too long, and it's our mission to fill it. As the only
national gathering spot for trauma survivors, we seek to be a place of
help, hope and healing, both physical and emotional to all trauma
survivors out there, both recent and long-time trauma survivors. Being
able to connect, many for the first time with other trauma survivors is
a very empowering experience. If there is one common experience from
one trauma survivor to the next, it's most likely the fact that you
have struggled with the emotional impact of your trauma event alone.
Even those who have had the good fortune to have people with the
courage to listen to your issues, that usually doesn't work as well as
a group of folks who have walked in your shoes.

The primary thing that TraumaSupport.org offers is a forum where you
can speak openly and freely about the impact your trauma has had on
your life The forums are closed to the general public, so everyone
should feel secure in the fact that only those who are fellow heroes or
have a compelling interest in trauma survivor issues will have access
to what you write. The real power of that forum comes through long time
trauma survivors joining with us and sharing their path through
recovery, and the immense wisdom they have amassed through that
journey. That will make a huge difference in the struggle new trauma
survivors have in front of them in finding the light at the end of the

Beyond being a place to work out issues and share wisdom, it is our
mission to be change agents throughout our communities and throughout
the nation and world through advocacy. There is no more fulfilling way
to turn your tragedy into triumph than to have that tragedy used
through advocacy to positively effect the lives of new trauma
survivors, to be a voice in your community for driver safety through
public presentations, and through affecting safety legislation in your
area and across the nation. We seek to find those opportunities, and to
help you to navigate your way in the area you live, to find ways to be
a positive influence, and who knows... maybe even save a life or two
along the way. There is no better way to put a positive spin on a very
ugly experience than through advocacy.

Beyond trauma survivors themselves, we also welcome trauma healthcare
professionals, police/fire/ems, family and friends of trauma survivors,
and anyone with a compelling interest in trauma survivor issues.

Please feel free to join us at http://www.traumasupport.org

We now have tutorial videos that show you how to get involved in the
site, and our introduction video will not just help you to join, it
will help you decide if TraumaSupport.org is the right fit for
assistance in what you've been through. That video page is linked from
our home page on the site above, or you can click this link to load the
videos directly (a broadband connection is suggested).

You may also catch my personal trauma blog where you can get a full
orbed perspective of where I have been personally with respect to
trauma injury, and my thoughts on emotional recovery and the trauma
community in general.

Links to both of the above on the main menu of the site.