[email protected] wrote:
> I'm looking at adding a lathe to help drill some 4x4's (among other
> turning projects). Basically the hole would be dead center in one end.
> The 4x4 would anywhere from 2.5ft - 3.5ft in length, and the hole
> would be 1" diameter going in like 6" deep. Can I use a mini-lathe?
> thanks.
Maybe if you stay closer to the 2.5 feet. Even with an extension, most
minis have a capacity of only 40" or so as per manufacturer, but like
many, I find that to be pretty optimistic.
You will have to mount your piece, true it, then drill through the
tailstock since it would be suicide to "chuck up" a piece that much
longer than it is wide. And since you are drilling through the
tailstock, it means you will be limited to about a 5/16" hole on most,
as samll as 1/4 on others.
I drill on my lathe frequently, but it is to accomodate project kits,
or to get a hole started for hollowing. The lathe will not replace a
radial drill press, and further, if you drill anything over a few
inches, you will have bit drift so bad you won't believe you aren't
breaking bits.
When I drill a small body out (12 inches or so), I now drill the blank
first (after trueing), and then use the holes as the new centers.
[email protected] wrote:
> I'm looking at adding a lathe to help drill some 4x4's (among other
> turning projects). Basically the hole would be dead center in one end.
> The 4x4 would anywhere from 2.5ft - 3.5ft in length, and the hole
> would be 1" diameter going in like 6" deep. Can I use a mini-lathe?
> thanks.
if you're talking construction grade lumber, a lathe is the wrong tool.
a drill press is much more to the point, and a jig with a handheld
drill is probably better yet.
if you're talking furniture grade wood and you need the accuracy the
lathe can offer, you'll need a much bigger lathe.
On 30 Oct 2006 14:37:42 -0800, [email protected] wrote:
>I'm looking at adding a lathe to help drill some 4x4's (among other
>turning projects). Basically the hole would be dead center in one end.
> The 4x4 would anywhere from 2.5ft - 3.5ft in length, and the hole
>would be 1" diameter going in like 6" deep. Can I use a mini-lathe?
Yes. but have to make the lathe bed longer.