
18/06/2004 5:44 AM

Music stand

I'm looking for a music stand plan (suitable for a saxophonist). If
possible, I would like to build a stand having adjustablilty and
mobility features. Any suggestion or idea will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

C. Dubois

This topic has 2 replies



in reply to [email protected] (k) on 18/06/2004 5:44 AM

18/06/2004 3:24 PM

David Marks made a nice book stand on an episode of Wood Works, which might
be suitable. He sells the plans online at


"k" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi.
> I'm looking for a music stand plan (suitable for a saxophonist). If
> possible, I would like to build a stand having adjustablilty and
> mobility features. Any suggestion or idea will be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you.
> C. Dubois


Larry Jaques

in reply to [email protected] (k) on 18/06/2004 5:44 AM

18/06/2004 9:03 PM

On 18 Jun 2004 05:44:33 -0700, [email protected] (k) calmly

>I'm looking for a music stand plan (suitable for a saxophonist). If
>possible, I would like to build a stand having adjustablilty and
>mobility features. Any suggestion or idea will be greatly appreciated.

For holding sheet music or holding the sax?
By mobility, do you mean lightweight or on wheels?

Roy Underhill has a walnut music stand plan in his book
"The Woodwright's Apprentice".
Here's a nice mahogany reading stand: only 4,800 pounds sterling.
Several free music stand plans

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