"Jack Casuso"

07/11/2004 7:38 PM

Finishing question

Nearing completion of a mantel clock in cherry and may have inadvertently
limited my finishing options. After sanding and cleaning the piece, I
applied BLO. It really made the piece glow but I want to have more
protection on it than the BLO provides but I don't want it to look
"plasticized" so I bought some Watco Danish Oil (clear) figuring that it
would give me sufficient protection. The Watco instructions say to apply to
bare wood. My question is since the Watco contains BLO among other
ingredients, can it be applied over the coat of BLO. Did a Goggle search
but can not find this question.

Any other finishing suggestions would be appreciated.


This topic has 4 replies



in reply to "Jack Casuso" on 07/11/2004 7:38 PM

07/11/2004 1:02 PM

> Nearing completion of a mantel clock in cherry and may have inadvertently
> limited my finishing options. After sanding and cleaning the piece, I
> applied BLO. It really made the piece glow but I want to have more
> protection on it than the BLO provides but I don't want it to look
> "plasticized" so I bought some Watco Danish Oil (clear) figuring that it
> would give me sufficient protection. The Watco instructions say to apply
> to
> bare wood. My question is since the Watco contains BLO among other
> ingredients, can it be applied over the coat of BLO. Did a Goggle search
> but can not find this question.

The Watco will go over the BLO without any problems, but the protection it
gives is very minimal, even with many coats. You might want to consider some
type of wiping varnish or shellac to give a bit more durability to the


in reply to "Jack Casuso" on 07/11/2004 7:38 PM

07/11/2004 1:14 PM

On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 19:38:39 GMT, "Jack Casuso"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Nearing completion of a mantel clock in cherry and may have inadvertently
>limited my finishing options. After sanding and cleaning the piece, I
>applied BLO. It really made the piece glow but I want to have more
>protection on it than the BLO provides but I don't want it to look
>"plasticized" so I bought some Watco Danish Oil (clear) figuring that it
>would give me sufficient protection. The Watco instructions say to apply to
>bare wood. My question is since the Watco contains BLO among other
>ingredients, can it be applied over the coat of BLO. Did a Goggle search
>but can not find this question.
>Any other finishing suggestions would be appreciated.

you can apply watco over BLO.



in reply to "Jack Casuso" on 07/11/2004 7:38 PM

07/11/2004 9:41 PM

On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 19:38:39 GMT, "Jack Casuso"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Nearing completion of a mantel clock in cherry and may have inadvertently
>limited my finishing options. After sanding and cleaning the piece, I
>applied BLO. It really made the piece glow but I want to have more
>protection on it than the BLO provides but I don't want it to look
>"plasticized" so I bought some Watco Danish Oil (clear) figuring that it
>would give me sufficient protection. The Watco instructions say to apply to
>bare wood. My question is since the Watco contains BLO among other
>ingredients, can it be applied over the coat of BLO. Did a Goggle search
>but can not find this question.
>Any other finishing suggestions would be appreciated.

I'd be skeptical and cautious. You may get a damaged or crinkled
finish. Take a piece of scrap cherry and apply BLO, then apply the
Watco. Finishing can ruin everything.


Ba r r y

in reply to "Jack Casuso" on 07/11/2004 7:38 PM

07/11/2004 7:53 PM

On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 19:38:39 GMT, "Jack Casuso"
<[email protected]> wrote:

> The Watco instructions say to apply to
>bare wood. My question is since the Watco contains BLO among other
>ingredients, can it be applied over the coat of BLO.

It should work fine. Try it on a scrap board that a coat of BLO has
been applied..


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