10/10/2007 11:23 PM

Wood Storage Adventures

Early in the yard art process, I took oug a batch of the oak
flooring the older kid had given me. Stacked in in one of the koock
apart bookshelve I'd made. Hmm. it started leaning, wonder why, 'cause
there's some in the house 5 units high, and this is only 4. Then it hit
me, the piecs are longer than the shelf is deep. OK, no prob. Make a
couple of "hooks", one for each side, with a nail each, in the studs,
that'll hold it. No prob. Hmm. No plywood scrap long enough. OK, no
prob, lap a couple, with glue. Good. Hmm, Then the end isn't near the
stud. OK, glue a couple of spacers on each. Good. But gotta trim each
a bit on the bandsaw, 'cause the round will be angled ou8t otherwise.
OK, good. Then need to blue a piece at a slight angle on the end, to
make a "hook" to go in the fround. Will glue another on that later, to
make a lip to keep it from slipping. Good. Then find one side had the
wrong angle. OK, make another. No probl. Check it out, good, except
the piece had been glued on the wrong side. Not good. OK, slice it off
with the bandsaw, and glue another piece on the other side. OK, right
side, wrong angle. Make another, no probl. Then found out the other
had the right angle after all, and didn't need the last one. Anyway,
tomorrow the glue will be fully dried, and I'll be able to put the
"hooks" on, and re-stack the flooring. By the way, did I say that the
leaning flooring had shifted a rolling tool case, so when I shut the
shop door, the door hit the tool case, which fell over, which made the
shelf lean, and most of the flooring fall out in front of the door? I
blame it all on the dog, for distracting me in the first place. By the
way, only about the last two glue joints were clamped, but two or three
others had small lead ingots to hold them in place and keep them from
tipping while the glue dried. The rest of them were just glued, set
aside, and that was it. Wooworking is meant to be fun. And it is.

"I'm an Igor, thur. We don't athk quethtionth."
"Really? Why not?"
"I don't know, thur. I didn't athk."