I just received my new jig and had no trouble assembling it. I am trying to
route a 1/4" tennon on a 3/4" board. I should have a 1/4" space all around
the board, but that doesn't happen when I route it. I am using a 1/4"
spiral bit. I set the jig up like it said to do and it said to use the 1
1/4" insert. There is no way I can get a 1/4" tennon. The spiral bit doesn't
even touch the sides of the long board and leaves shoulders on the board
ends. I have not yet tried to make a mortise . I am looking for a DVD on
the operations of this jig, but I can't seem to find one. I would
appreciate any suggestions or help you have to offer. Thank you.
Tom wrote:
> I just received my new jig and had no trouble assembling it. I am trying to
> route a 1/4" tennon on a 3/4" board.... I would
> appreciate any suggestions or help you have to offer. Thank you.
I don't have any experience w/ the jig, but you might try
for an owner's pretty detailed discussion on how he used it, including
a bunch of photos.
BTW, "tenon" has only two n's, not three...