Glenna Rose writes:
>[email protected] writes:
>I'm in the process of running line for my eventual dust collection
>I'm using Bill Pentz's recommendations for 6 inch PVC sewer and drain
>line. Fortunately, I can get the line locally. What I'm having problems
>with is that the place I can get the line does not stock all the
>fittings I'm going to need. They are happy to special order stuff for
>but I have to buy a case of a particular fitting at time.
>Does anyone have a source that would be willing to sell individual
>fittings? Particularly at a price something less that list?
>I'm in the Columbia River Gorge area, about an hours drive east of
>Portland, OR.
>Frank Stutzman
>Frank, try United Pipe & Supply. They should have anything you want;
>they supply contractors. The one closet to you is might be the one on
>Columbia Boulevard in Portland or possibly off Johnson Creek near
>Clackamas (I think). They'll be in the telephone book. There are now
>two in Vancouver. The ones I dealt with were always great and are not
>"snobbish" to the individuals (individuals just don't get the
>contractors' volume prices).
>BTW, hello, neighbor. (Cascade Locks, perhaps, or the Washington side of
>the River?)
That's "closest" not closet. Geez.