I moved a short while back, and find that the Greenwich RI store is
now a bit closer to me than the Woburn branch. The only other I'd been
to was the long-defunct Norwell MA store.
My first impression of Greenwich was very positive -- it is a LOT
bigger than either of the two I had been to. What I'd like to know is
how are the people there? Anyone I should make a point of meeting?
Does anyone else frequent that neck of the woods?
I frequent the store and they are the very best. George and Judy are the
owners. Both extremely knowledgable about their store and woodworking in
general. Other sales help are a real help.
They not only stock catalog items and keep a great inventory but they all
bring in lumber and veneers. You can buy the hardwood for less, but if you are
already there, it is a great resource and a big help.
Woodcraft is excellent overall. The East Greenwich store - the tops.
On 11 Jan 2004 16:00:35 GMT, [email protected] (JLucas ILS) wrote:
>I frequent the store and they are the very best. George and Judy are the
>owners. Both extremely knowledgable about their store and woodworking in
>general. Other sales help are a real help.
> They not only stock catalog items and keep a great inventory but they all
>bring in lumber and veneers. You can buy the hardwood for less, but if you are
>already there, it is a great resource and a big help.
> Woodcraft is excellent overall. The East Greenwich store - the tops.
Thanks for the info. I was impressed with the store myself, but it's
good to hear from someone who's been around.