Hi All,
I live in Canada and I want to purchase a Pre-Owned 100-5 or similar
Disk Sander/belt Sander combination: 16" disk and 6-60" belt. I will
purchase this machine anywhere in the US or Canada and of course pay
for all shipping fees and palleting fees, etc....
If U have one for sale or know of anyone selling one, please contact
Darryl Pike
If you're looking for pre owned, go to any store and buy one. The
manufacturer once owned it as is did the distributor and the store. Third
hand good enough?
"Defender" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi All,
> I live in Canada and I want to purchase a Pre-Owned 100-5 or similar
> Disk Sander/belt Sander combination: 16" disk and 6-60" belt. I will
> purchase this machine anywhere in the US or Canada and of course pay
> for all shipping fees and palleting fees, etc....
> If U have one for sale or know of anyone selling one, please contact
> me.
> Cheers
> Darryl Pike
> http://www.barrettebaron.com/index.php