On Sat, 17 Apr 2004 22:11:23 -0700, [email protected] (George G) wrote:
>I would like to see Bush re-elected.
>I would like to see where the next war will be------------George
Watching CSpan this morning Fred Barnes, Exec. Editor of Weekly Standard say "N.
Korea will be Bush agenda in his second term..." Fred Barnes also says he
believe Iraq processes WMD, training ground for terrorists and Al Qaeda, which
even Bush denied.
Brace yourself for 4 more years of high unemployment and more American's lives.
In article <[email protected]>,
"Bill Everette" <[email protected]> wrote:
> We took on Iraq in '91 when he was 4th largest army in the world.
> The ONLY worry (in terms of a military victory) with taking on North Korea
> would be China. And I don't think they would complain much.
Hmmm...well, in 91, you drove back the Iraqi's, handily I must say.
However, driving an army back and invading and controlling a country are
two vastly different things; a lesson which seems to have been forgotten
(or at least not mentioned) recently.
I have no doubt that America could take N. Korea. But what would she do
with it?
"Paul Kierstead" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> In article <[email protected]>,
> "Bill Everette" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > We took on Iraq in '91 when he was 4th largest army in the world.
> >
> > The ONLY worry (in terms of a military victory) with taking on North
> > would be China. And I don't think they would complain much.
> Hmmm...well, in 91, you drove back the Iraqi's, handily I must say.
> However, driving an army back and invading and controlling a country are
> two vastly different things; a lesson which seems to have been forgotten
> (or at least not mentioned) recently.
> I have no doubt that America could take N. Korea. But what would she do
> with it?
Turn it back over to South Korea
In article <[email protected]>,
"Bill Everette" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Paul Kierstead" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:pmkierst-F73B9D.17235619042004@nntp.bloor.is.net.cable.rogers.com...
> > In article <[email protected]>,
> > "Bill Everette" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> > > We took on Iraq in '91 when he was 4th largest army in the world.
> > >
> > > The ONLY worry (in terms of a military victory) with taking on North
> Korea
> > > would be China. And I don't think they would complain much.
> >
> > Hmmm...well, in 91, you drove back the Iraqi's, handily I must say.
> > However, driving an army back and invading and controlling a country are
> > two vastly different things; a lesson which seems to have been forgotten
> > (or at least not mentioned) recently.
> >
> > I have no doubt that America could take N. Korea. But what would she do
> > with it?
> Turn it back over to South Korea
Since South Korea is under Rome?
Any other Americans aspiring to follow Jefferson, who recognized Rome as
"the Real Anti-Christ" (letter to S. Kercheval, 19jan1810), notice the
pattern of usurped foreign and military policy in service to Roman
colonial...and oil...interests? TR's "Gunboat Diplomacy,"
Rockefeller/Bush finance of Hitler (read "Mein Kampf," Hitler was Rome's
catspaw), to protect Roman Mafia's "Golden Triangle" drug source, et al,
Knights of Malta-led and founded CIA killed JFK post-NSAM 263 "Vietnam
Withdrawal" order, IranContra in support of historic
"latifundistas"/Roman slave masters, 9/11 to grab reserves for Roman
Catholic "Big Oil."
N.B. All posers, Nazis, mental midgets, traitors, and "old women:"
please killfile this post.
Doors - Locks - Weatherstripping
POB 250121 Atlanta GA 30325
> Thomas Jefferson To Samuel Kercheval
> Monticello, January 19, 1810
> SIR, -- Yours of the 7th instant has been duly received, with the
> pamphlet inclosed, for which I return you my thanks. Nothing can be more
> exactly and seriously true than what is there stated; that but a short
> time elapsed after the death of the great reformer of the Jewish
> religion, before his principles were departed from by those who
> professed to be his special servants, and perverted into an engine for
> enslaving mankind, and aggrandising their oppressors in Church and
> State; that the purest system of morals ever before preached to man, has
> been adulterated and sophisticated by artificial constructions, into a
> mere contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves; that rational
> men not being able to swallow their impious heresies, in order to force
> them down their throats, they raise the hue and cry of infidelity, while
> themselves are the greatest obstacles to the advancement of the real
> doctrines of Jesus, and do in fact constitute the real Anti-Christ.
From what I've read of Jefferson, he didn't really like any established
denominations. But I hardly think that he viewed the Catholics as
Anti-Christs, but the abuses by some religious as Anti-Christ. Reading a
book "Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation Between Church
and State" by Daniel Dreisbach (it focusses on the Church & State thing not
religious differences); Driesbach mentions how jefferson negotiated
a treaty with some Indians (Kaskakia??? Indians) and got Fedral funds to
help establish a Catholic Church and pay for a priest to run it. Hardly
sounds like
a guy who believes the catholic Church is the Anti-Christ.
"Wm Jones" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> > Has anything bad that has ever happened in the world not been traceable
> > to the Roman Catholic Church? I guess when all you have is a hammer,
> > everything looks like a nail.
> >
> > todd
> >
> >
> Thomas Jefferson To Samuel Kercheval
> Monticello, January 19, 1810
> SIR, -- Yours of the 7th instant has been duly received, with the
> pamphlet inclosed, for which I return you my thanks. Nothing can be more
> exactly and seriously true than what is there stated; that but a short
> time elapsed after the death of the great reformer of the Jewish
> religion, before his principles were departed from by those who
> professed to be his special servants, and perverted into an engine for
> enslaving mankind, and aggrandising their oppressors in Church and
> State; that the purest system of morals ever before preached to man, has
> been adulterated and sophisticated by artificial constructions, into a
> mere contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves; that rational
> men not being able to swallow their impious heresies, in order to force
> them down their throats, they raise the hue and cry of infidelity, while
> themselves are the greatest obstacles to the advancement of the real
> doctrines of Jesus, and do in fact constitute the real Anti-Christ.
> N.B. All posers, Nazis, mental midgets, traitors, and "old women:"
> please killfile this post.
> --
> Doors - Locks - Weatherstripping
> POB 250121 Atlanta GA 30325
> 404/626-2840
Nonresponsive. So Jefferson didn't like the church almost 200 years ago.
BFD. Is the problem that you don't have a boilerplate answer to my
question? Has the church had its low moments throughout history? Without a
doubt. If much of what you're saying now is true, Pope John Paul 2 would
have to be a pretty bad guy, and I don't think you could find more than
about a dozen wackos to go along with that.
"Wm Jones" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>,
> [email protected] (BUB 209) wrote:
> > >Since South Korea is under Rome?
> >
> > Not to get off track, but did anybody
> > else feel that the airing of Spartacus
> > on tv
> > was a veiled allegory of the situation
> > in Iraq?
> The Vikings conquered the coasts of Europe and, confronting Italy,
> established the Kingdom of Sicily...realizing Rome's enormous
> "Spartacus-proof" power...unabated to this day.
> Roman Catholic and Bonesman Kerry is on the same page as Knight of Malta
> grandson Bush with Iraq's oil.
> In destroying the lineal genealogical and cultural descendants of Sodom
> and Gomorrah righteousness should have been employed rather than the
> treason of 9/11.
> N.B. All posers, Nazis, mental midgets, traitors, and "old women:"
> please killfile this post.
> --
> Doors - Locks - Weatherstripping
> POB 250121 Atlanta GA 30325
> 404/626-2840
Has anything bad that has ever happened in the world not been traceable back
to the Roman Catholic Church? I guess when all you have is a hammer,
everything looks like a nail.
"todd" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Wm Jones" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > > Has anything bad that has ever happened in the world not been
> back
> > > to the Roman Catholic Church? I guess when all you have is a hammer,
> > > everything looks like a nail.
> > >
> > > todd
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Thomas Jefferson To Samuel Kercheval
> >
> > Monticello, January 19, 1810
> >
> > SIR, -- Yours of the 7th instant has been duly received, with the
> > pamphlet inclosed, for which I return you my thanks. Nothing can be more
> > exactly and seriously true than what is there stated; that but a short
> > time elapsed after the death of the great reformer of the Jewish
> > religion, before his principles were departed from by those who
> > professed to be his special servants, and perverted into an engine for
> > enslaving mankind, and aggrandising their oppressors in Church and
> > State; that the purest system of morals ever before preached to man, has
> > been adulterated and sophisticated by artificial constructions, into a
> > mere contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves; that rational
> > men not being able to swallow their impious heresies, in order to force
> > them down their throats, they raise the hue and cry of infidelity, while
> > themselves are the greatest obstacles to the advancement of the real
> > doctrines of Jesus, and do in fact constitute the real Anti-Christ.
> >
> >
> >
> > N.B. All posers, Nazis, mental midgets, traitors, and "old women:"
> > please killfile this post.
> > --
> > Doors - Locks - Weatherstripping
> > POB 250121 Atlanta GA 30325
> > 404/626-2840
> Nonresponsive. So Jefferson didn't like the church almost 200 years ago.
> BFD. Is the problem that you don't have a boilerplate answer to my
> question? Has the church had its low moments throughout history? Without
> doubt. If much of what you're saying now is true, Pope John Paul 2 would
> have to be a pretty bad guy, and I don't think you could find more than
> about a dozen wackos to go along with that.
the amazing todd has spoken without saying a word, again. all bow down and
heed his truth. reflect on your own worthless opinions and laugh at
yourself for 'thinking'.
"xrongor" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> the amazing todd has spoken without saying a word, again. all bow down
> heed his truth. reflect on your own worthless opinions and laugh at
> yourself for 'thinking'.
> randy
When all else fails, the playbook says to go for personal attacks.
Congratulations...you're following it word for word.
Not to butt into a philosophical conversation about the pope,
but what I think Todd is really saying is that he distrusts more
someone who is gone off the deep consipiracy end by spending too
much time at websites like good ol CHICK the Catholic hater. It is
the same thing that separated so many people during this election year.
Whether or not one likes or dislikes the president the ranting lunitics who
can do nothing else but scream and dream up the most outlandish stories
about the president really don't do anything but portray a sense of an
unhealthy and mentally unbalaned hate which seems to be actually sending
people toward Bush's re-election. It appears to be the same thing with
you and the Catholics. Then venom and hate you appear to have for them
seems more un-Chrisitian and more unhealthy than any experience I've ever
had with anyone to claimed to be Catholic. And as far as Kerry. Catholics
don't seems to be very happy with him at all, they look at him as some sort
of Catholic gone bad who has turned his back on his faith.
"Wm Jones" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>,
> "todd" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > "Wm Jones" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> > > > Has anything bad that has ever happened in the world not been
> > back
> > > > to the Roman Catholic Church? I guess when all you have is a
> > > > everything looks like a nail.
> > > >
> > > > todd
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > Thomas Jefferson To Samuel Kercheval
> > >
> > > Monticello, January 19, 1810
> > >
> > > SIR, -- Yours of the 7th instant has been duly received, with the
> > > pamphlet inclosed, for which I return you my thanks. Nothing can be
> > > exactly and seriously true than what is there stated; that but a short
> > > time elapsed after the death of the great reformer of the Jewish
> > > religion, before his principles were departed from by those who
> > > professed to be his special servants, and perverted into an engine for
> > > enslaving mankind, and aggrandising their oppressors in Church and
> > > State; that the purest system of morals ever before preached to man,
> > > been adulterated and sophisticated by artificial constructions, into a
> > > mere contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves; that
> > > men not being able to swallow their impious heresies, in order to
> > > them down their throats, they raise the hue and cry of infidelity,
> > > themselves are the greatest obstacles to the advancement of the real
> > > doctrines of Jesus, and do in fact constitute the real Anti-Christ.
> > >
> >
> > Nonresponsive. So Jefferson didn't like the church almost 200 years
> > BFD. Is the problem that you don't have a boilerplate answer to my
> > question? Has the church had its low moments throughout history?
Without a
> > doubt. If much of what you're saying now is true, Pope John Paul 2
> > have to be a pretty bad guy, and I don't think you could find more than
> > about a dozen wackos to go along with that.
> >
> > todd
> >
> >
> Get his work record while employed by I.G.Farben...Chemical salesman?
> Which product was he selling and to whom?
> Roman Europe's "conscience" sits as pope and the U.S. church has, by
> diocese, a conviction rate for pedophile priests at 99.4%: only one of
> the 188 dioceses has yet to yield at least one...and their conviction
> stated in U.S. Conf of Catholic Bishops' "National Pastoral Plan for
> Hispanic Ministry" is to promote illegal immigration to get this
> country, ~"stolen from the Hispanics' ancestors," back.
> So you reject the wisdom of America's Founder and side with the
> cardinals and bishops who protect pedophile priests, and who gave the
> world Hitler and the Holocaust?
> N.B. All posers, Nazis, mental midgets, traitors, and "old women:"
> please killfile this post.
> --
> Doors - Locks - Weatherstripping
> POB 250121 Atlanta GA 30325
> 404/626-2840
> I'm curious as to what abuse would cause the top to bow?
AFAIK cast iron isn't subject to creep and being rather brittle
will often rupture befor it yields under an externally applied
However castings can have residual stresses that cause deformations
to occur days, or even weeks after the casting has cooled. If
the billet was not sufficiently annealed it may have bowed on
its own after it was milled.
It should be stable by now.
"todd" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "xrongor" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > the amazing todd has spoken without saying a word, again. all bow down
> and
> > heed his truth. reflect on your own worthless opinions and laugh at
> > yourself for 'thinking'.
> >
> > randy
> When all else fails, the playbook says to go for personal attacks.
> Congratulations...you're following it word for word.
> todd
i had a good teacher...
On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 20:45:18 GMT, "Joseph Smith" <[email protected]> wrote:
> You can quote whomever
>you want, but I'm secure enough to know that your hate is not
>an accurate reflection on the forefathers, Christ, Buddah, General Grant,
>General Lee, Lincoln, Davis or anyone else from which you may choose to
>steal a quoatation from.
Woah, let's back up here a minute. Now you be real careful mentioning Bobbie Lee in the same sentence with Gr*nt and Li***ln. That
might get some of us good-ole-boys right riled up! :)
Tom Veatch
Wichita, KS USA
In article <[email protected]>,
"Joseph Smith" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "
> > Thomas Jefferson To Samuel Kercheval
> >
> > Monticello, January 19, 1810
> >
> > SIR, -- Yours of the 7th instant has been duly received, with the
> > pamphlet inclosed, for which I return you my thanks. Nothing can be more
> > exactly and seriously true than what is there stated; that but a short
> > time elapsed after the death of the great reformer of the Jewish
> > religion, before his principles were departed from by those who
> > professed to be his special servants, and perverted into an engine for
> > enslaving mankind, and aggrandising their oppressors in Church and
> > State; that the purest system of morals ever before preached to man, has
> > been adulterated and sophisticated by artificial constructions, into a
> > mere contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves; that rational
> > men not being able to swallow their impious heresies, in order to force
> > them down their throats, they raise the hue and cry of infidelity, while
> > themselves are the greatest obstacles to the advancement of the real
> > doctrines of Jesus, and do in fact constitute the real Anti-Christ.
> >
> >
> From what I've read of Jefferson, he didn't really like any established
> denominations. But I hardly think that he viewed the Catholics as
> Anti-Christs, but the abuses by some religious as Anti-Christ. Reading a
> book "Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation Between Church
> and State" by Daniel Dreisbach (it focusses on the Church & State thing not
> religious differences); Driesbach mentions how jefferson negotiated
> a treaty with some Indians (Kaskakia??? Indians) and got Fedral funds to
> help establish a Catholic Church and pay for a priest to run it. Hardly
> sounds like
> a guy who believes the catholic Church is the Anti-Christ.
Here in Atlanta the Roman Catholic-dominated major paper, whose owners'
father was a mob frontman decades ago, trots out a tale of a Roman
Catholic priest who prevented Roman Catholic Gen'l Sherman from allowing
his Roman Catholic soldiers (Irish Brigade, Italian Soaves, German
Catholics, et al) to burn the downtown churches. The "story" first
surfaced 65 years after the alleged event and "merits" a State Historic
Marker near the Capitol.
Odd it is then that the priest who wrote the encyclopedic "Catholicism
in Georgia and the Carolinas," in 1872, listed all the priests in the
region during, before, and after the period in question: the named
"hero" didn't serve in Atlanta and never existed. Though Sherman and
most of his troops devasting the Jefferson-loving, Protestant South,
were, in fact, virulent Roman Catholics.
Liars lie. Pedophiles are perverts, and the Roman Church in the U.S. is
99.4% pedophile priest, by diocese. You like? You keep...away from Our,
by God, Country.
Leave the pedophile priesthood in an EU/ "United States of Europe"
(Hitler's term in the banned "Mein Kampf") which is now well over 95%
Roman Catholic. Reject Rome's "National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic
Ministry," which lays out in 36 pages Rome's strategem for promoting
illegal immigration...now endorsed by both major political
parties...each of whose heads is a Roman Catholic.
America was created by a diverse collection of peoples who were escaping
king and pope. Read "Common Sense," Tom Paine's pamphlet which spurred
the Revolution, to recognize Paine's condemnation of monarchy as the
"popery of government:" everybody here, other than in John Wilkes
Booth's area of Maryland and parts of Connecticut, understood
perfectly...and understood perfectly that Thomas Jefferson was a wise
Popery, with its pedophile, Babylonian homosexual priesthood, had
already been rejected...monarchy, once recognized as the "popery of
government," was also rejected.
We came here to escape it: Huguenots, Baptists, Presbyterians, Jews.
You reject Jefferson...his words do not lend themselves to your pathetic
Don't read "of" him. Read his words. Cite his written words when you try
to put words in his mouth.
Who "forbids to marry?" Rome.
Who has institutionalized pedophilia? Rome.
What city was the "Wall Street of slavery" for 2,000 years? Rome.
Who gave us Hitler and the Holocaust? Rome.
Who secreted 30,000 Nazi SS past Nuremburg? Rome.
Who killed JFK and sent us to Vietnam? Rome.
Who were the Croatians serving when they coined the expression "Ethnic
cleansing?" Rome.
Who cooperated in the attempted genocide by Roman Catholic Hutus of the
non-Roman Catholic Tutsis in Rwanda? Rome.
Whose Knight of Malta grandfather funded Rome's catspaw Adolf Hitler?
George W. Bush.
Who is the Vatican's correspondent bank, the Rockefeller family bank and
the State Bank of Iraq? JPMorgan/Chase Manhattan.
For how many generations have Bush/Walkers worked for Rockefellers? Four.
What religion predominates among "Big Oil?" Roman Catholicism.
What is the dominant faith in the Congress and Supreme Court? Roman
Who did America's Founder prophetically identify as "the Real
Anti-Christ?" Rome.
The above quoted letter by Thomas Jefferson sits on its own bottom. Rome
is the "real Anti-Christ" according to the Author of the American
Declaration of Independence. Deal with it.
N.B. All posers, Nazis, mental midgets, traitors, and "old women:"
please killfile this post.
Doors - Locks - Weatherstripping
POB 250121 Atlanta GA 30325
In article <[email protected]>,
"todd" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Wm Jones" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > In article <[email protected]>,
> > [email protected] (BUB 209) wrote:
> >
> > > >Since South Korea is under Rome?
> > >
> > > Not to get off track, but did anybody
> > > else feel that the airing of Spartacus
> > > on tv
> > > was a veiled allegory of the situation
> > > in Iraq?
> >
> > The Vikings conquered the coasts of Europe and, confronting Italy,
> > established the Kingdom of Sicily...realizing Rome's enormous
> > "Spartacus-proof" power...unabated to this day.
> >
> > Roman Catholic and Bonesman Kerry is on the same page as Knight of Malta
> > grandson Bush with Iraq's oil.
> >
> > In destroying the lineal genealogical and cultural descendants of Sodom
> > and Gomorrah righteousness should have been employed rather than the
> > treason of 9/11.
> >
> Has anything bad that has ever happened in the world not been traceable back
> to the Roman Catholic Church? I guess when all you have is a hammer,
> everything looks like a nail.
> todd
Thomas Jefferson To Samuel Kercheval
Monticello, January 19, 1810
SIR, -- Yours of the 7th instant has been duly received, with the
pamphlet inclosed, for which I return you my thanks. Nothing can be more
exactly and seriously true than what is there stated; that but a short
time elapsed after the death of the great reformer of the Jewish
religion, before his principles were departed from by those who
professed to be his special servants, and perverted into an engine for
enslaving mankind, and aggrandising their oppressors in Church and
State; that the purest system of morals ever before preached to man, has
been adulterated and sophisticated by artificial constructions, into a
mere contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves; that rational
men not being able to swallow their impious heresies, in order to force
them down their throats, they raise the hue and cry of infidelity, while
themselves are the greatest obstacles to the advancement of the real
doctrines of Jesus, and do in fact constitute the real Anti-Christ.
N.B. All posers, Nazis, mental midgets, traitors, and "old women:"
please killfile this post.
Doors - Locks - Weatherstripping
POB 250121 Atlanta GA 30325
In article <[email protected]>,
"todd" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Wm Jones" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > > Has anything bad that has ever happened in the world not been traceable
> back
> > > to the Roman Catholic Church? I guess when all you have is a hammer,
> > > everything looks like a nail.
> > >
> > > todd
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Thomas Jefferson To Samuel Kercheval
> >
> > Monticello, January 19, 1810
> >
> > SIR, -- Yours of the 7th instant has been duly received, with the
> > pamphlet inclosed, for which I return you my thanks. Nothing can be more
> > exactly and seriously true than what is there stated; that but a short
> > time elapsed after the death of the great reformer of the Jewish
> > religion, before his principles were departed from by those who
> > professed to be his special servants, and perverted into an engine for
> > enslaving mankind, and aggrandising their oppressors in Church and
> > State; that the purest system of morals ever before preached to man, has
> > been adulterated and sophisticated by artificial constructions, into a
> > mere contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves; that rational
> > men not being able to swallow their impious heresies, in order to force
> > them down their throats, they raise the hue and cry of infidelity, while
> > themselves are the greatest obstacles to the advancement of the real
> > doctrines of Jesus, and do in fact constitute the real Anti-Christ.
> >
> Nonresponsive. So Jefferson didn't like the church almost 200 years ago.
> BFD. Is the problem that you don't have a boilerplate answer to my
> question? Has the church had its low moments throughout history? Without a
> doubt. If much of what you're saying now is true, Pope John Paul 2 would
> have to be a pretty bad guy, and I don't think you could find more than
> about a dozen wackos to go along with that.
> todd
Get his work record while employed by I.G.Farben...Chemical salesman?
Which product was he selling and to whom?
Roman Europe's "conscience" sits as pope and the U.S. church has, by
diocese, a conviction rate for pedophile priests at 99.4%: only one of
the 188 dioceses has yet to yield at least one...and their conviction
stated in U.S. Conf of Catholic Bishops' "National Pastoral Plan for
Hispanic Ministry" is to promote illegal immigration to get this
country, ~"stolen from the Hispanics' ancestors," back.
So you reject the wisdom of America's Founder and side with the
cardinals and bishops who protect pedophile priests, and who gave the
world Hitler and the Holocaust?
N.B. All posers, Nazis, mental midgets, traitors, and "old women:"
please killfile this post.
Doors - Locks - Weatherstripping
POB 250121 Atlanta GA 30325
In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] (BUB 209) wrote:
> >Since South Korea is under Rome?
> Not to get off track, but did anybody
> else feel that the airing of Spartacus
> on tv
> was a veiled allegory of the situation
> in Iraq?
The Vikings conquered the coasts of Europe and, confronting Italy,
established the Kingdom of Sicily...realizing Rome's enormous
"Spartacus-proof" power...unabated to this day.
Roman Catholic and Bonesman Kerry is on the same page as Knight of Malta
grandson Bush with Iraq's oil.
In destroying the lineal genealogical and cultural descendants of Sodom
and Gomorrah righteousness should have been employed rather than the
treason of 9/11.
N.B. All posers, Nazis, mental midgets, traitors, and "old women:"
please killfile this post.
Doors - Locks - Weatherstripping
POB 250121 Atlanta GA 30325
Oh Yeah. Certainly too much time at CHICK's.
I had an acquaintance once who was deep into the Klan (KKK)
who used to rattle off the same non-sense abaout Catholics, Jews,
government officials (when he wasn't after black people). It is all
too easy to hate nowadays. I'm not shocked and am not angry with
you and your hate, but I pity you. No matter what external influences
you have had to steer you to this hate; hate is a personal choice fueled
from within and it makes for a miserable existance. You can quote whomever
you want, but I'm secure enough to know that your hate is not
an accurate reflection on the forefathers, Christ, Buddah, General Grant,
General Lee, Lincoln, Davis or anyone else from which you may choose to
steal a quoatation from. Its not new, this hate, singling out certain groups
of people and trying to turn everyone against them. I've seen it not only
from the KKK, the Communists were pros at it and the Nazis were too.
"Wm Jones" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>,
> "Joseph Smith" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > "
> > > Thomas Jefferson To Samuel Kercheval
> > >
> > > Monticello, January 19, 1810
> > >
> > > SIR, -- Yours of the 7th instant has been duly received, with the
> > > pamphlet inclosed, for which I return you my thanks. Nothing can be
> > > exactly and seriously true than what is there stated; that but a short
> > > time elapsed after the death of the great reformer of the Jewish
> > > religion, before his principles were departed from by those who
> > > professed to be his special servants, and perverted into an engine for
> > > enslaving mankind, and aggrandising their oppressors in Church and
> > > State; that the purest system of morals ever before preached to man,
> > > been adulterated and sophisticated by artificial constructions, into a
> > > mere contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves; that
> > > men not being able to swallow their impious heresies, in order to
> > > them down their throats, they raise the hue and cry of infidelity,
> > > themselves are the greatest obstacles to the advancement of the real
> > > doctrines of Jesus, and do in fact constitute the real Anti-Christ.
> > >
> > >
> > From what I've read of Jefferson, he didn't really like any established
> > denominations. But I hardly think that he viewed the Catholics as
> > Anti-Christs, but the abuses by some religious as Anti-Christ. Reading a
> > book "Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation Between Church
> > and State" by Daniel Dreisbach (it focusses on the Church & State thing
> > religious differences); Driesbach mentions how jefferson negotiated
> > a treaty with some Indians (Kaskakia??? Indians) and got Fedral funds to
> > help establish a Catholic Church and pay for a priest to run it. Hardly
> > sounds like
> > a guy who believes the catholic Church is the Anti-Christ.
> >
> >
> Here in Atlanta the Roman Catholic-dominated major paper, whose owners'
> father was a mob frontman decades ago, trots out a tale of a Roman
> Catholic priest who prevented Roman Catholic Gen'l Sherman from allowing
> his Roman Catholic soldiers (Irish Brigade, Italian Soaves, German
> Catholics, et al) to burn the downtown churches. The "story" first
> surfaced 65 years after the alleged event and "merits" a State Historic
> Marker near the Capitol.
> Odd it is then that the priest who wrote the encyclopedic "Catholicism
> in Georgia and the Carolinas," in 1872, listed all the priests in the
> region during, before, and after the period in question: the named
> "hero" didn't serve in Atlanta and never existed. Though Sherman and
> most of his troops devasting the Jefferson-loving, Protestant South,
> were, in fact, virulent Roman Catholics.
> Liars lie. Pedophiles are perverts, and the Roman Church in the U.S. is
> 99.4% pedophile priest, by diocese. You like? You keep...away from Our,
> by God, Country.
> Leave the pedophile priesthood in an EU/ "United States of Europe"
> (Hitler's term in the banned "Mein Kampf") which is now well over 95%
> Roman Catholic. Reject Rome's "National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic
> Ministry," which lays out in 36 pages Rome's strategem for promoting
> illegal immigration...now endorsed by both major political
> parties...each of whose heads is a Roman Catholic.
> America was created by a diverse collection of peoples who were escaping
> king and pope. Read "Common Sense," Tom Paine's pamphlet which spurred
> the Revolution, to recognize Paine's condemnation of monarchy as the
> "popery of government:" everybody here, other than in John Wilkes
> Booth's area of Maryland and parts of Connecticut, understood
> perfectly...and understood perfectly that Thomas Jefferson was a wise
> man.
> Popery, with its pedophile, Babylonian homosexual priesthood, had
> already been rejected...monarchy, once recognized as the "popery of
> government," was also rejected.
> We came here to escape it: Huguenots, Baptists, Presbyterians, Jews.
> You reject Jefferson...his words do not lend themselves to your pathetic
> misconstruction.
> Don't read "of" him. Read his words. Cite his written words when you try
> to put words in his mouth.
> Who "forbids to marry?" Rome.
> Who has institutionalized pedophilia? Rome.
> What city was the "Wall Street of slavery" for 2,000 years? Rome.
> Who gave us Hitler and the Holocaust? Rome.
> Who secreted 30,000 Nazi SS past Nuremburg? Rome.
> Who killed JFK and sent us to Vietnam? Rome.
> Who were the Croatians serving when they coined the expression "Ethnic
> cleansing?" Rome.
> Who cooperated in the attempted genocide by Roman Catholic Hutus of the
> non-Roman Catholic Tutsis in Rwanda? Rome.
> Whose Knight of Malta grandfather funded Rome's catspaw Adolf Hitler?
> George W. Bush.
> Who is the Vatican's correspondent bank, the Rockefeller family bank and
> the State Bank of Iraq? JPMorgan/Chase Manhattan.
> For how many generations have Bush/Walkers worked for Rockefellers? Four.
> What religion predominates among "Big Oil?" Roman Catholicism.
> What is the dominant faith in the Congress and Supreme Court? Roman
> Catholicism.
> Who did America's Founder prophetically identify as "the Real
> Anti-Christ?" Rome.
> The above quoted letter by Thomas Jefferson sits on its own bottom. Rome
> is the "real Anti-Christ" according to the Author of the American
> Declaration of Independence. Deal with it.
> N.B. All posers, Nazis, mental midgets, traitors, and "old women:"
> please killfile this post.
> --
> Doors - Locks - Weatherstripping
> POB 250121 Atlanta GA 30325
> 404/626-2840