"J. Clarke"

20/08/2009 4:26 PM

Sears hybid saw 699 biesemeier

Was in Sears today and their Steel City hybrid saw (the one with the
Biesemeier fence and the cabinet that goes all the way to the floor) was on
display marked "discontinued" for $699. If I didn't already have a decent
table saw I'd have grabbed it.

That was at the Sears in Enfield, CT--I don't know if they had just the one
floor model or if they had others in the back and I don't know if that price
is for that store only or if it's nation wide, but on the chance that
somebody is in the market for such a saw I thought I'd mention it. It's no
longer listed on their Web site--I think it's model 22124 but won't swear to
it--I didn't have anything to write with and my memory never was any good.