Curious - anyone building anything interesting / fun for Christmas?
(or for the PC folks out there - for the holidays)
Im in the middle of a 12 pack run of those gumball machines bynot posted
the other day for the kids in the neighborhood.
Need to think of something unique to make the the wife. Open for ideas....
On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 14:18:24 +0000, Rob V wrote:
> Curious - anyone building anything interesting / fun for Christmas?
> (or for the PC folks out there - for the holidays)
I'm building a few of my gifts for the first time this year. I'm nearly
done with a simple knife block for my mom, out of walnut, quilted maple
and ash. It's a pretty simple design: five 4/4 boards with shallow dados
carved in them for the knife slots and then face glued into a block with
the maple on the outside like this: M-W-A-W-M plenty of exposure for the
maple faces. I'll post some pics when it's done, I'm just waiting on a set
of cabinet scrapers I ordered to arrive so I can finish the maple.
For my sister and her daughter I'm making matching jewlery boxes of out
bloodwood and soft maple. Haven't quite settled on the exact design yet
other than that I'm using finger joints. I'm starting work on the
prototype box this weekend (which will be a belated wedding gift to my
boss) so we'll see how that goes.
Everything is made completely with hand tools, since that's all I have. If
this goes over well I'll probably make a habit of this over the years. I
know I'm having more fun than I wood shopping for gifts :->