My drill press has a 5/8 chuck, so small bits don't work.
I thought about getting another full size chuck and morse tape maybe a
3/8 chuck if they have it for my taper. But then I thought the mini
chuck would do the trick and save a lot of money.
I ordered a mini chuck from Rockler. The bit wobbled horribly.
I told them, and they sent another, that wobbled worse. The guy that
sent it thought I would need instructions on how to use the chuck.
Rather than shoot the bastard, I tried is recommendation.. And it still
wobbled worse.
Does anyone know of a decent mini chuck???? I missed the chance on Lee
Valley's special. it sold out same day. Don't know if they were better.
The Rockler unit were by Insty Bit so it's surprising how bad the
quality control is.