"Lew Hodgett"

10/01/2011 12:36 PM

Re: Southern weather - addendem

"Lew Hodgett" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:...
> "dpb" wrote:
>> I've certainly seen more than any fair share of vehicles on sides
>> of roads, in ditches, etc., in places like Detroit, Cleveland,
>> Denver and environs as well as in VA and TN while lived there to
>> know that there's no lack of problems in winter conditions
>> irrespective of the blowhards who claim to have never been
>> inconvenienced and can on their own mush over the Sierra Nevada...
>> :)
> ------------------------------------------
> I'm reminded of 12/26/1989, the day I left Ohio headed for SoCal in
> a VW Rabbit, 4 cyl diesel with a 5 speed manual box.
> Had built a plywood box on roof racks to carry as much as possible
> with me (Think the opening song/scene of the Beverly Hillbillies).
> Drove west on US-30 about 30 miles then south on I-71 headed toward
> Columbus, Ohio and I-70 west toward St Louis.
> Both I-71 & I-70 had very wide grassy medians.
> Have never seen so many busses, 18 wheelers and cars in the median
> strip of an interstate in my life as that morning.
> Spent most of the morning shifting back and forth between 3rd and
> 4th gear.
> 5th gear was out of the question.
> It wasn't until some time west of Indianapolis that the weather
> broke, it stopped snowing, and the median started to clear.
All those years helping my dad, an over the road 18 wheel driver,
taught me some valuable driving lessons that kept me on the road
moving west that day.

Crossed the river at St Louis at 5:00 PM CST which was 10 hours of
white knuckle driving that day.

After 20 years in SoCal, doubt I could do it today.
