

02/08/2004 8:59 PM

Question, your help is appreciated. How to preserve the color of redwood?

I just finished building a redwood patio table for outside. The wood
was given to me by a friend, it was from his old deck, 2 x 6's and 2 x
10's. After I milled it down, it was beautiful wood. I've never worked
with redwood before. I love the color of the wood.
The table is under a canopy on my patio. Here's the question:
To retain the freshly milled color of the redwood, would you protect
it with a water sealer or use polyurethane and a final wax? I've read
that redwood will turn grey in time, how can I avoid this?
Thanx in advance for your help.

This topic has 4 replies


in reply to Johnboy on 02/08/2004 8:59 PM

04/08/2004 12:22 AM

I've used this for decking,fences works pretty



in reply to Johnboy on 02/08/2004 8:59 PM

02/08/2004 9:25 PM

> I just finished building a redwood patio table for outside. The wood
> was given to me by a friend, it was from his old deck, 2 x 6's and 2 x
> 10's. After I milled it down, it was beautiful wood. I've never worked
> with redwood before. I love the color of the wood.
> The table is under a canopy on my patio. Here's the question:
> To retain the freshly milled color of the redwood, would you protect
> it with a water sealer or use polyurethane and a final wax? I've read
> that redwood will turn grey in time, how can I avoid this?
> Thanx in advance for your help.
> John
This stuff might do it, being an oil finish made for decks, Woodburst Chinawood Deck Oil
http://www.rockler.com/ecom7/product_details.cfm?&offerings_id=6230 <sale price
http://www.woodburst.com/ < maker

Other than that, I know nothing. Hope this helps...




in reply to Johnboy on 02/08/2004 8:59 PM

03/08/2004 2:55 PM

Johnboy wrote:

> I just finished building a redwood patio table for outside. The wood
> was given to me by a friend, it was from his old deck, 2 x 6's and 2 x
> 10's. After I milled it down, it was beautiful wood. I've never worked
> with redwood before. I love the color of the wood.
> The table is under a canopy on my patio. Here's the question:
> To retain the freshly milled color of the redwood, would you protect
> it with a water sealer or use polyurethane and a final wax? I've read
> that redwood will turn grey in time, how can I avoid this?
> Thanx in advance for your help.
> John
Look at clear deck coatings. Cabot and Sikkens are a couple of good


in reply to Johnboy on 02/08/2004 8:59 PM

03/08/2004 4:27 AM

Cabot makes several clear coats.

On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 20:59:42 -0500, Johnboy <[email protected]> wrote:

>I just finished building a redwood patio table for outside. The wood
>was given to me by a friend, it was from his old deck, 2 x 6's and 2 x
>10's. After I milled it down, it was beautiful wood. I've never worked
>with redwood before. I love the color of the wood.
> The table is under a canopy on my patio. Here's the question:
>To retain the freshly milled color of the redwood, would you protect
>it with a water sealer or use polyurethane and a final wax? I've read
>that redwood will turn grey in time, how can I avoid this?
> Thanx in advance for your help.

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