On 7/21/2011 3:33 PM, Swingman wrote:
> Anyone that is already on Google+, or would like an invite, and may be
> remotely interested in an informal woodworking "circle" of like minded
> individuals, or just to see how this latest addition to the social
> networking idiocy is going to play out, drop me an email.
> I realize that this is not most wreckers cup of tea, but it looks like
> it may be more amenable to sharing woodworking adventures, photos, etc.
> Google+ appears a good deal more private, discerning and to the point
> than FaceBook. Caveat: you supposedly need to sign up with a real name.
> I know, ... but hey, you never can tell where the next opportunity is
> coming from; nothing ventured, etc.; and, especially in keeping up with
> technology, you snooze, you lose.
> [email protected]
What started out as an experiment is rapidly exceeding my expectations.
At the present I have 41 woodworkers from around the world in my
"woodworking circle" on G+; with many of the participants being
principals in woodworking schools, staff and editors of woodworking
magazines, and employees of Lee Valley, WoodCraft, et al, along with
craftsman obviously of the highest order.
Nice to be able to post photos, videos, and links that bolsters
discussion and keep it on topic and pertinent.
In a nutshell, 'content enabled interaction' is turning out to be a
rewarding experience in the context of Google+.
Just as in life and woodworking, you get out of it what you put into it.
<And NO political rabbit trail running whatsoever!) ;)
Last update: 4/15/2010
KarlC@ (the obvious)