Folks -
I've got all of the walnut panels glued up and sanded for the cradle I'm
building; but I have run into a problem with the joinery. I am planning on
using dovetails joints on the compound angles per the instructions in FWW
#158 (Oct 2002) but their jig *looks* like one of the angles is wrong in
their set up jig in that as I follow the instructions it keeps the blade at
90 degrees. HELP!
I've read and re-read everything and can't quite make sense of it... Do any
of you have any ideas for cutting compound dovetails? I am hoping to have
this sucker done, if rough, for the baby shower on Sunday. I can do finish
work after that, the kid isn't due until November.
*Any* assistance would be greatly appreciated....
Thanks in advance, and yes, I'll post pictures....
John Moorhead