With the holiday season coming up, business usually slows down a bit for a
few days. During those times, I like to re-think the web site info I have
out there.
Today, I'm re-thinking an application page we threw up on the site a while
back which seems to work well for us. If you have time and are opinionated
enough to give me your thoughts <grin>, I'd love to know if you think we
have missed an important application and/or opportunity on the following
Do you know of an application that we could add which would draw customers
to us? How about a different angle on a current application? Etc...
A perfect example is that we just added the page for simple, low-end drill
press machine users... Never thought of the obvious and most common use
until now. Duh!
As I've said in a few other forums I'm hitting up for ides... I'll owe a
whole lot of you free coffee or drinks when we hit it big. <grin again>
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Joe Agro, Jr.
(800) 871-5022
(908) 542-0244
Automatic / Pneumatic Drills: http://www.AutoDrill.com
Multiple Spindle Drills: http://www.Multi-Drill.com
I have long been looking for a horizontal drill with a multi-adjustable
head. I'd really like a 5 head with adjustable centers along a single
axis but could get by with a fixed set for now at 1.5" centers but
looks like I'll have to settle for a 3 head. I need to drill dowel
holes or round tenon holes in the edge of board stock for pickets.
Grizzly, Ritter (and others) have horiz boring machines, it would be
nice to know that these heads could be used on those.
Also the drill press idea is good too. I have some applications where
an adjustable 2 head would be perfect.
Probably 6 months out before I'll move on the product lines that need
these but I'll come looking when I do.
>I have long been looking for a horizontal drill with a multi-adjustable
> head. I'd really like a 5 head with adjustable centers along a single
> axis but could get by with a fixed set for now at 1.5" centers but
> looks like I'll have to settle for a 3 head.
Adjustable 5 spindle heads do exist... But they are generally huge and
relatively expensive. Sometimes these adjustable heads are simply too large
for the machine you want to mount them on (i.e. 40-80+ lbs and ... well...
did I mention huge?) On a drill press, they simply pull the quill down and
you have to "pull" the handle in the opposite direction to keep it from
staying in the extended position.
5 spindles fixed is something we and others can easily do... 3 adjustable
is also something that can be done. See the "rail head" application page
for a similar fixed spindle head
> I need to drill dowel
> holes or round tenon holes in the edge of board stock for pickets.
No problem. Light duty application for us or anyone else who makes these
types of heads.
> Grizzly, Ritter (and others) have horiz boring machines, it would be
> nice to know that these heads could be used on those.
Potentially possible. Depends on what is available to mount to on the
machine, whether the machine can handle the weight of a head... Also,
whether the unit has enough power to perform the 5 hole process.
> Also the drill press idea is good too. I have some applications where
> an adjustable 2 head would be perfect.
Sounds like we should talk someday. <grin>
If you call us, ask for me and mention that we spoke on this forum. I'll
spend the time with you (or anyone else from here) to answer any questions
that I can. Sometimes that means I generate a quote for you and sometimes
that means I send you to someone else who has a better product for what you
want to do. Unlike some places, I never want to sell a piece of equipment
to someone that "might" work.
> Probably 6 months out before I'll move on the product lines that need
> these but I'll come looking when I do.
Thank you. It is always good to hear there is interest. Business is always
preferable than no business...
As a potential user of a product like this, did you see anything on the
application pages that could have described the product better for you?
That is the real purpose of my original post (although I'll take a future
sale anytime). I hope to be able to make it easy for folks to find
something they are not generally familair with.
I picture someone like you typing into Google or Yahoo, "5 holes at a time
in a board" or something similar when looking for a machine. If I can
maximize my page for these random searches or at least make the photos
and/or information relevant to those that stumble across it in their
searches, I can look forward to more calls and, of course more sales.
Joe Agro, Jr.
(800) 871-5022
(908) 542-0244
Automatic / Pneumatic Drills: http://www.AutoDrill.com
Multiple Spindle Drills: http://www.Multi-Drill.com