Ok I uses to love the Pics newsgroup. Seeing what everyone does is great.
And I've gotten some great Ideas from there. Thnaks to you all. But what
they heck is happening over there with this Krunchy guy. I can't read any
of his posts and they just keep coming. It's very annoying. Can we shut
this guy down?
Ben wrote:
> Ok I uses to love the Pics newsgroup. Seeing what everyone does is
> And I've gotten some great Ideas from there. Thnaks to you all. But
> they heck is happening over there with this Krunchy guy. I can't
read any
> of his posts and they just keep coming. It's very annoying. Can we
> this guy down?
In the days befor ISPs, one could email the sys admin when someone
was posting contrary to nettiquette and that would usually take care
of the problem.
These days sysadmins at ISPs are often not allowed to nuke abusers'
So the only thing you can do, barring abuse of your own like rogue
cancels, is use a newsreader that supports killfiles and use it
to filter out his articles.
Vic Baron wrote:
> Unfortunately,
> he has every right to post his stuff.
That is true because he owns the copyrights to his stuff.
That is what makes his stuff HIS stuff.
> It is the Usenet after all and
> copyright infringement or not, he CAN post what he wants.
If he is posting material, the copyrights to which are owned
by someone else then he does NOT have a right to post it. If
someone else owns the copyrights it is not HIS stuff.
Possibly if this is pointed out to his host he'll lose his
account though more likely they will only act if they get a
letter from teh copyright owner, or someone puporting to
represent the copyright owner.
> ...
> I use Outlook Express and Agent and both have excellent filters.
Does Outlook Express still have the "begin" bug, illustrated below:
Because if it does, you won't be able to read this.
I set up Netscape to filter out Krunchy's posts, but his traffic seems
to have driven nearly everybody away.
Ben wrote:
> Ok I uses to love the Pics newsgroup. Seeing what everyone does is great.
> And I've gotten some great Ideas from there. Thnaks to you all. But what
> they heck is happening over there with this Krunchy guy. I can't read any
> of his posts and they just keep coming. It's very annoying. Can we shut
> this guy down?
On Sun, 06 Mar 2005 21:10:45 GMT, Dave in Fairfax <dave@fairfax.com>
>fredfighter@spamcop.net wrote:
>> Possibly if this is pointed out to his host he'll lose his
>> account though more likely they will only act if they get a
>> letter from teh copyright owner, or someone puporting to
>> represent the copyright owner.
>Augusthome is looking into him already. I contacted Gordon over
>there when the a$$hole showed up. 4ax hasn't returned anything.
>I'd recommend that you send anything that might be useful to both
>of them and see if we can get him to meet Wally at the Graybar
>hotel. Usenet is supposed to be free, but freedom and license are
>to different things. Unfortunately some peole have no morals or
>ethics, just attitude.
>Dave in Fairfax
Autodesk is onto him, too.
Jerry Weinfeld, from their legal department has contacted several
wreckers about this clown.
Thomas J. Watson - WoodDorker
tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)
http://home.comcast.net/~tjwatson1 (webpage)
fredfighter@spamcop.net wrote:
> Possibly if this is pointed out to his host he'll lose his
> account though more likely they will only act if they get a
> letter from teh copyright owner, or someone puporting to
> represent the copyright owner.
Augusthome is looking into him already. I contacted Gordon over
there when the a$$hole showed up. 4ax hasn't returned anything.
I'd recommend that you send anything that might be useful to both
of them and see if we can get him to meet Wally at the Graybar
hotel. Usenet is supposed to be free, but freedom and license are
to different things. Unfortunately some peole have no morals or
ethics, just attitude.
Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners
Tom Watson wrote:
> Autodesk is onto him, too.
> Jerry Weinfeld, from their legal department has contacted several
> wreckers about this clown.
Exa-freakin'lent! In honor of the BBQ thread, I have a suggestion
for when he gets caught.
Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners
Steve wrote:
> I set up Netscape to filter out Krunchy's posts, but his traffic seems
> to have driven nearly everybody away.
Actually it's fairly lively over there -- if you've got your filters set
to get rid of the Krunchkin and his little pals.
> --Steve
> Ben wrote:
>> Ok I uses to love the Pics newsgroup. Seeing what everyone does is
>> great.
>> And I've gotten some great Ideas from there. Thnaks to you all. But
>> what
>> they heck is happening over there with this Krunchy guy. I can't read
>> any
>> of his posts and they just keep coming. It's very annoying. Can we shut
>> this guy down?
On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 11:18:12 -0500, "Ben" <bdunlap@gardnerweb.com>
>Ok I uses to love the Pics newsgroup. Seeing what everyone does is great.
>And I've gotten some great Ideas from there. Thnaks to you all. But what
>they heck is happening over there with this Krunchy guy. I can't read any
>of his posts and they just keep coming. It's very annoying. Can we shut
>this guy down?
I have unsubscribed. I have a shared dialup connection and the number
of headers slows down the connection. Filtering further bogs down my
200MHz machine. There were a number of people feeding the pirate
trolls, so they continue to post their warez. My plan is to
resubscribe in a month or so to see if anything has changed.
What might work... Post links to pictures uploaded to your web sites.
Actually, it's fast and easy and you don't need to deal with a lot of
techy stuff.
In article <1109954583.147980.320820@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>, fredfighter@spamcop.net wrote:
>So the only thing you can do, barring abuse of your own like rogue
>cancels, is use a newsreader that supports killfiles and use it
>to filter out his articles.
Or download my TrollFilters (see sig), and use them with Nfilter as a proxy
server. (Google this newsgroup on Nfilter for more information.)
Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)
Get a copy of my NEW AND IMPROVED TrollFilter for NewsProxy/Nfilter
by sending email to autoresponder at filterinfo-at-milmac-dot-com
You must use your REAL email address to get a response.
Rick Cook wrote:
> Thunderbird comes with a pretty good set of filtering capabilities. Mine
> is getting quite a workout right now.
> I the pics newsgroup from over 3000 postings down to 11 by filtering out
> Krunchy and his little friends.
Yep, it also works for me on the NewsGroups.
Also has a good set of junk filters.
Perk wrote:
> fredfighter@spamcop.net wrote:
>> Ben wrote:
>>> Ok I uses to love the Pics newsgroup. Seeing what everyone does is
>> great.
>>> And I've gotten some great Ideas from there. Thnaks to you all. But
>> what
>>> they heck is happening over there with this Krunchy guy. I can't
>> read any
>>> of his posts and they just keep coming. It's very annoying. Can we
>> shut
>>> this guy down?
>> In the days befor ISPs, one could email the sys admin when someone
>> was posting contrary to nettiquette and that would usually take care
>> of the problem.
>> These days sysadmins at ISPs are often not allowed to nuke abusers'
>> accounts.
>> So the only thing you can do, barring abuse of your own like rogue
>> cancels, is use a newsreader that supports killfiles and use it
>> to filter out his articles.
> I believe Mozilla's "Thunderbird" has a filter to do just that. I use
> Thunderbird but have never played around with any of the filters.
> Perk (:>)
Thunderbird comes with a pretty good set of filtering capabilities. Mine
is getting quite a workout right now.
I the pics newsgroup from over 3000 postings down to 11 by filtering out
Krunchy and his little friends.
"Tom Watson" <notme@erehwon.com> wrote in message
> On Sun, 06 Mar 2005 21:10:45 GMT, Dave in Fairfax <dave@fairfax.com>
> wrote:
>>fredfighter@spamcop.net wrote:
>>> Possibly if this is pointed out to his host he'll lose his
>>> account though more likely they will only act if they get a
>>> letter from teh copyright owner, or someone puporting to
>>> represent the copyright owner.
>>Augusthome is looking into him already. I contacted Gordon over
>>there when the a$$hole showed up. 4ax hasn't returned anything.
>>I'd recommend that you send anything that might be useful to both
>>of them and see if we can get him to meet Wally at the Graybar
>>hotel. Usenet is supposed to be free, but freedom and license are
>>to different things. Unfortunately some peole have no morals or
>>ethics, just attitude.
>>Dave in Fairfax
> Autodesk is onto him, too.
> Jerry Weinfeld, from their legal department has contacted several
> wreckers about this clown.
> Thomas J. Watson - WoodDorker
> tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)
> http://home.comcast.net/~tjwatson1 (webpage)
Yay Rah, Hip hip Hoo - frikkin'- Rah. I am so very glad to hear this. it
ain't even funny! Thanks for the info guys.
"Ben" <bdunlap@gardnerweb.com> wrote in message
> Ok I uses to love the Pics newsgroup. Seeing what everyone does is great.
> And I've gotten some great Ideas from there. Thnaks to you all. But what
> they heck is happening over there with this Krunchy guy. I can't read any
> of his posts and they just keep coming. It's very annoying. Can we shut
> this guy down?
Learn to use a filter - just about all the readers have them. Unfortunately,
he has every right to post his stuff. It is the Usenet after all and
copyright infringement or not, he CAN post what he wants. However, if some
of the people would stop baiting him he will post his stuff and all will go
back to normal. I think he's in a screw you mode right now because of all
the flaming and the more complaints, the more he will post.
I use Outlook Express and Agent and both have excellent filters.
Just MHO,
On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 11:18:12 -0500, "Ben" <bdunlap@gardnerweb.com>
>Ok I uses to love the Pics newsgroup.
good resource, eh?
> Seeing what everyone does is great.
>And I've gotten some great Ideas from there. Thnaks to you all.
thanks. and you're welcome.
> But what they heck is happening over there with this Krunchy guy.
he's "flood posting".
> I can't read any of his posts
they're mostly multi-part archives. not too hard to use, but you might
have to change the way you use your computer if you want to use them.
>and they just keep coming. It's very annoying. Can we shut
>this guy down?
On 6 Mar 2005 12:06:26 -0800, fredfighter@spamcop.net wrote:
>Possibly if this is pointed out to his host he'll lose his
>account though more likely they will only act if they get a
>letter from teh copyright owner, or someone puporting to
>represent the copyright owner.
yawwwnnnnn !!
well dude I guess you got your work cut out for you
first you have to download it
oh its "purporting" NOT puporting
fredfighter@spamcop.net wrote:
> Ben wrote:
>>Ok I uses to love the Pics newsgroup. Seeing what everyone does is
> great.
>>And I've gotten some great Ideas from there. Thnaks to you all. But
> what
>>they heck is happening over there with this Krunchy guy. I can't
> read any
>>of his posts and they just keep coming. It's very annoying. Can we
> shut
>>this guy down?
> In the days befor ISPs, one could email the sys admin when someone
> was posting contrary to nettiquette and that would usually take care
> of the problem.
> These days sysadmins at ISPs are often not allowed to nuke abusers'
> accounts.
> So the only thing you can do, barring abuse of your own like rogue
> cancels, is use a newsreader that supports killfiles and use it
> to filter out his articles.
I believe Mozilla's "Thunderbird" has a filter to do just that. I use
Thunderbird but have never played around with any of the filters.
Perk (:>)
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