AArDvarK wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just wondering if there's anyone out there that has/does use this saw and
>> what there opinions were of it. Looking for a bandsaw for a hobby/garage
>> shop.
> I'd say, for the same money or less you can and should get a real brand,
> like a Delta or a General. Or this one, Rikon:
> I hear in this group that Rikon are very desireable. But me knowing
> nothing about it (to be honest with you) I still would not start out with
> a $469.99 Craftsman when "real" brands are out there, in the same price
> range. And even then, a lot depends on warrenty and company service
> policies of makers. Sears charges a serious premium on replacement parts.
One catch with the Rikon (that model anyway--don't know about the others
they make) is that it won't take a riser block so the resaw capability is
> Alex
Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)
Yup. Been looking at them as well as one by Jet and Grizzley. All appear
to be find saws, although I'm a little leary of the Rikon. Not because it
isn't a good saw. Just doesn't seem to be that many places carrying them
Reason why I was asking for opinions on this other one is because it's all
part of that new line of tools they just released. This one seems to be a
much higher quality than their power tools of the recent past. It's in the
same line as their new table saws which a few in the group have given 'two
thumbs up' too.
"AArDvarK" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > Hi,
> > Just wondering if there's anyone out there that has/does use this saw
> > what there opinions were of it. Looking for a bandsaw for a
> > shop.
> I'd say, for the same money or less you can and should get a real brand,
like a Delta or a General.
> Or this one, Rikon:
> I hear in this group that Rikon are very desireable. But me knowing
nothing about it (to be honest
> with you) I still would not start out with a $469.99 Craftsman when "real"
brands are out there,
> in the same price range. And even then, a lot depends on warrenty and
company service policies
> of makers. Sears charges a serious premium on replacement parts.
> Alex
> Hi,
> Just wondering if there's anyone out there that has/does use this saw and
> what there opinions were of it. Looking for a bandsaw for a hobby/garage
> shop.
I'd say, for the same money or less you can and should get a real brand, like a Delta or a General.
Or this one, Rikon:
I hear in this group that Rikon are very desireable. But me knowing nothing about it (to be honest
with you) I still would not start out with a $469.99 Craftsman when "real" brands are out there,
in the same price range. And even then, a lot depends on warrenty and company service policies
of makers. Sears charges a serious premium on replacement parts.