Afternoon Everybody,
I am having great difficulty finding any information on the Blum web site,
any of their vendors web sites or on the Internet in general on how a drawer
needs to be constructed in order to work with the Blum T560H5500 full
extension undermount drawer slide.
Can anyone help me out here?
David I have the instruction sheet for the 562H series but not the 560H
series. If the 560H series uses the left and right locking devices I
suspect they will be similar. Now what follows may not work for your slides
so proceed with caution: Make the width of your drawer box 3/8" less than
the width of the opening. (i.e. you need 3/16" clearance on each side.)
Make the drawer box height about 1" less than the height of the opening.
Some of this room is taken up by the slide and some space will be left at
the top. When cutting the dado for the drawer bottom move it up from the
bottom of the drawer box 1/2". As for the length of the box snap one of the
locking devices onto the front of the slide and measure the distance from
the end of the locking device back to the little spear that needs to go into
a 1/4" hole drilled into the back of the drawer. Add 1/4" to get the length
of your drawer box from the back of the front to the back of the back. The
562H series standard drawer box lengths are 12", 15", 18" and 21". Hope
this helps.
Earl Creel
"David F. Eisan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Afternoon Everybody,
> I am having great difficulty finding any information on the Blum web site,
> any of their vendors web sites or on the Internet in general on how a
> needs to be constructed in order to work with the Blum T560H5500 full
> extension undermount drawer slide.
> Can anyone help me out here?
> Thanks,
> David.