Those of you who are fortunate enough to be using news servers that provide
Path: and NNTP-Posting-Host: headers in their overview database will receive
relief by using the latest set of TrollFilters.
If you are not one of that fortunate group... perhaps you're fortunate enough
to be using a news client capable of filtering on path or posting host. If so,
filtering on Path: containing the string ""
or NNTP-Posting-Host: containing the string "" will block the
latest turd-storm.
Otherwise...I'm afraid you're S.O.L.
Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)
Get a copy of my NEW AND IMPROVED TrollFilter for NewsProxy/Nfilter
by sending email to autoresponder at filterinfo-at-milmac-dot-com
You must use your REAL email address to get a response.
Download Nfilter at