Folks -
Well, the wif and I have been working the last 3 days on cutting and bending
rebar for the foundation footings. We put two runs about 6" parallel in the
bottom of the trench on 3" dobies.
I called the building department on Tuesday for an inspection and they said
that they could do it either Thursday (today) or Wednesday of next week. I
gulped and said "Thursday". Holy rebar ties, Batman!
Anyway, we busted ass and got everything set. The inspector showed up this
afternoon and had a look see. He said that it was overbuilt and that it
would be fine! He signed off on it so I am good to go for pouring the
I have to clean a bit of debris out of the trenches, but that's it. A big
truck and concrete pump will be here on Tuesday morning!
Yipeeee! Pics to APBW soon....
John Moorhead